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Liugong LA20JE | a star product in the rental market and an expert in all-round operation!

December 12, 2022

With the continuous development of the market

More and more engineering projects began to extend to the city.

Property maintenance、Community transformation、Municipal Engineering

And other projects show great potential for growth.

The ensuing problems also make many renters.

Business development faces many challenges

Challenge 1Vehicle emissions are not up to standard,Facing the risk of exit。

Challenge 2:Poor adaptability of Vehicle project,Tight space、The complex ground conditions are not competent.,The rental rate is low。

Challenge 3Vehicle safety、Insufficient stability,Operators dare not use it,Facing the risk of returning the car。

Challenge 4:Not good value for money,At a disadvantage when bidding for projects with other renters,Business development can not break through the bottleneck period。

I often see private messages from many customers.

“Do you haveAnd that comprehensive performance is strong、Good value for moneyThe arm car”

Heh,There really is

Liugong 20m electric crank arm——LA20JE

It can be called the flow star of the rental market.

The introduction to it is only two sentences.

Green、Safe、Efficient、Intelligence,Value model、All-round operation expert

Born for Urban Applications,TCO(Total cost of ownership)Better

Next, let's go straight to the dry goods.



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