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Gather the strength of youth to create the future of Changlin — — The company held a forum for Party secretaries, general managers and representatives of young workers

December 06, 2022

  In order to further promote the work of Party building and League building to achieve tangible results.,Accurately Grasp the Ideological Dynamic Changes of Young Workers,Strengthen the construction of young workers,December 1,The company organized the meeting of the Secretary of the Party Committee、Symposium between General Manager and Young Workers' Representatives。Secretary of the Party Committee of the company、General Manager Wang Chuanming,Hu Junhua, Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission,Secretaries of grass-roots League branches and representatives of some young workers participated.。  

    Representatives of young workers attending the meeting focused on the training of young employees.、Construction of employee growth channel、Reform of salary system、Sales in the domestic market、Progress of agricultural machinery and equipment、Suggestions for the future development of the company, etc.,Speak in turn,The atmosphere was warm and relaxed.。The symposium, which was originally planned to last less than two hours, lasted nearly four and a half hours.,It reflects the company's emphasis on youth work.、Care and care for young workers,It also shows the responsibility and responsibility of young workers in Changlin.。 

    Wang Chuanming briefed the representatives of young workers on the company's production and operation after deepening the reform and adjustment.,In the case of a sharp decline in the construction machinery industry,Firmly reduce costs、Control the cost,Control inventory、Drop two gold medals,Significant improvement in the quality of operation。Next step,The company will further promote“Looking back on reform and adjustment”,Ensure that strategic intentions are in place,Focus on building the core competitiveness of enterprises,Let Changlin achieve better development.。

    Young people are strong while enterprises are strong.,Meeting call,Youth representatives of the company should play a good role as a bridge between the company and young workers.,Let young workers and the company develop together、Grow together,Gather the strength of youth,In Changlin“Second venture”Demonstrate the value of life in the new journey.。

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