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Cold Wave Is Not Cold, "Relatives" Are in Action? Sinotruk Warm Escort Helps Card Friends Break the Ice

December 05, 2022

Recently,Affected by the strongest cold wave since the second half of this year,Cliff-like cooling in many parts of the country,Xinjiang、The temperature in Gansu and other parts of the north is approaching.-30℃,“Winter comes overnight”It brings great inconvenience to card friends.,Transportation and life are greatly affected.。The cold wave is cold,“Relatives”Warm heart,Sinotruk upholds“Customer satisfaction is our aim”Core values,Actively participate in the daily operations of the customer,Think what the customer wants,A series of warm-hearted actions were carried out in the northwest region where the cold wave was the most serious.,Send them a ray of warm winter sun.。

Sending charcoal in the snow needs timely and rapid rescue to show care

With the passage of the cold wave,Xinjiang、Heavy snow or blizzard fell in Gansu and other northwest provinces,Resulting in multiple high speeds、The road of the national highway is wet and slippery、Freezing,Long-distance congestion、Paralysis,Some sections of the road are lined up end to end for hundreds of kilometers.“Sleeping Dragon”。Many card users stranded on the highway are anxious because of the delay in the delivery of goods.,What is more worrying is that they may face a shortage of cold-proof materials.,When the diesel on the car burns out,Not only are they unable to get on the road again,,There may even be a risk of hypothermia.。

All branches of Sinotruk in Northwest China、Service station、Center system of regional spare parts center warehouse“Relatives”Safety,Organize rescue forces at the first time,Prepare cotton-padded clothes、Emergency food、Diesel oil and other materials,He rushed to the place where the customer was stranded without stopping for a moment.,Make every effort to reduce the waiting time of customers in the cold weather。For fuel caused by low temperatures“Wax deposition”、The battery is out of power、Vehicle failure, etc,Sinotruk Service Stations Provide Free Rescue,Try every means to help customers get out of trouble as soon as possible,Back on the road。

Sincere for sincere and warm-hearted measures are praised by customers

Since 28 November,Gansu Local Sinotruk Service Station,All mobilized to participate in the rescue work,Brave the cold and move forward fearlessly.,Warm care for customers stranded on the road。In addition to offline rescue, all service stations in Xinjiang,It has also set up a special WeChat service group.,Provide online guidance for Vehicles unable to carry out on-site rescue,Efficient troubleshooting for customers。Address specific issues facing the customer,The service stations of Sinotruk in various regions have taken measures to help customers solve their problems.,Carry out the escort operation。

In this battle to defend the highway,,Sinotruk“Family service”With great zeal,Let customers get a warm power to break through the cold.,A bowl of hot noodles,A cotton-padded coat,A phone call,It makes customers feel warm.。“Sinotruk‘Family service’Really think of us as relatives.,Choosing Sinotruk is really the right choice.!”Customers who received help praised one after another.“Family service”,Although the cold wave is fierce,However“Relatives”A warm-hearted colleague,It still adds a lot of confidence to them.。
Difficult transportation in cold year “Relatives”Often accompany。

Frequent extreme weather in winter,The severe transportation environment has brought a lot of pressure to the card friends.。To ensure the safety of Vehicles through the winter,National Sinotruk Service Station with thoughtful service and professionalism,Actively carry out all kinds of winter care services,Help customers to enhance vehicle maintenance,Prevent trouble before it happens,Enhance the winter car experience。

End:Logistics transportation is an important part of people's livelihood security in winter.,It is precisely because tens of millions of card friends across the country are fighting in the front line of transportation.,Pay silently for the happiness of everyone and the family.,Only in this way can the people live a carefree life.,Every simple and fearless card friend deserves respect.。You go forward bravely.,I will escort you.,Sinotruk and Card Friends Hand in Hand,To promote the well-being of the people,Safeguard the economy of the motherland“Aorta”And“Microcirculation”Smooth,Make unremitting efforts together!

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