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Shangong Machinery Co., Ltd.: In the First Half of My Life, I Will Welcome the Dawn After Suffering

November 17, 2022

This is a thin face.,A broad forehead,A round and thick nose,Downward benevolent eye,The eyebrows are thick and long.,A smile like a sigh brightened his face.,But also showed his perseverance and indomitable spirit.。He is the current issue.《Special issue for friends of the machine》The hero of——Wu Laosan。

This time I came to attend the training camp of special forces of mountain engineering machinery.,Not only does he want to challenge himself,,I also want to know more about the products and technologies of Shandong Machinery.。Over the years,Shan Gong Machinery and dealers are solid in his stormy life.“Old friend”,Not only with him“Make a living on the battlefield”,He was always able to help him in times of crisis.,Such friendship made him feel full of trust.。Talking about the past with Shandong Machinery,Wu Laosan said half helplessly and half sincerely.:“Mountain engineering machinery and equipment are really stable.,Don't drop the chain”“Drive the equipment of mountain engineering machinery,Drivers don't want to drive anything else.”,After being brought back to memory,He opened the conversation box.,Those distant past still seem to be vivid in my mind.。 

Thirty years ago,The Wu family in Suzhou has three young sons.,The youngest son, Wu Congshan, is 16.,Because he is the third child in the family.,Everyone calls him Wu Laosan.,The eldest brother got married,Then the second brother got married.。Locally,Marriage is not only a grand happy event, but also a handover of family property.,After two weddings, the house was empty.。Therefore,Wu Laosan began to learn to operate with the Bulldozer master of the unit.,It's the best of both worlds for him.:It's not just fun,I can still get 50 yuan a month.“Internship pay”。At that time, he had no idea.,The future life will have more than one of their own mountain machinery and equipment.。

Decade,It is also enough to turn ignorant and playful teenagers into skilled players.,Just when he thought that life would go on so smoothly.,The wheel of the times is pushing the world in a new direction.,Wu Laosan's sophisticated life has just begun.。


Turbulence begins

Twenty years ago was the turn of the century.,Rapid development of urban construction,The unit is declining and the private enterprise is becoming stronger and stronger.。2011,For a living,Wu Laosan said goodbye to his master.,Bought a used Bulldozer and started working for the private sector.。After a year.,He took out another loan to buy a brand new car.,He is full of twists and turns“Start a business”Career is the first stroke of life.“Car debt”The official start。


Half a lifetime of frustrations

Wu Laosan's lover told us.:“It was bitter at that time.”。

The first device they bought with a mortgage put a lot of pressure on them.,Wu Laosan operates his own equipment to work for his boss every day.,He left before dawn in the morning.,I didn't come back until after dark at night.,Do more than 3,000 hours a year.。His two children are still young.,Wife has no time to go out to work,Earned money to pay off the mortgage.,And flowers for a family of four.,I can't save at all.。Leave a few thousand yuan to go home for the Spring Festival.,Buy gifts for both parents.,Buy some new clothes and food for the children.。

“What is free in the Spring Festival?,Hula, all the money is used up.”。

The days are bitter,But the couple supported each other.,The money was paid back one by one.,Things are finally starting to look up.。

But fate did not seem to give him a smooth straight road.,All kinds of situations followed,The economy went from bad to worse。In the most difficult year,Wu Laosan is often unable to sleep because of great anxiety.,Because I don't want my family to worry.,It's just good news and not bad news.,However, the careful wife still found the clue.:“His voice was listless.,It's like you can't even say anything.。”

I can't help my husband in his career.,She had to take care of her family more attentively.,Take care of the two children.,At least let Wu Laosan have no worries.。Husband and wife are like this.,Take care of each other in their own way.。Good thing,As long as you don't give up, things will get better.,The couple survived day by day.。


After the bitter, the sweet comes

Wu Laosan's tenacity finally paid off.,That failed to bring him down.,Make him stronger.。After the most difficult year.,Wu Laosan worked hard.:Work day and night、Running around asking for money...As more and more equipment is purchased,,He finally saved some money.,He was able to hire a mechanic to work for him.。

2017,With the increasing influence of the brand of Shandong Machinery,It is passed on by word of mouth among colleagues in Qingzhou, Shandong.“New forces”,Unable to resist curiosity, Wu Laosan also contacted the dealer.,I want to see this horse on the market.“Dark horse”What is the strength?,After the dealer's detailed explanation,He also operated and tested the performance in person.,He was pleasantly surprised to find that the rising star was not undeserved.,So I bought the first one.Shan Gong MachinerySEM816DWetland type Bulldozer,On the vast plain of Suzhou, he knocked stones to cultivate soil.。

Some layman site bosses do not understand the product and refuse to use it.,But the operators are only willing to open the equipment of mountain machinery.——The ride comfort is impeccable。He went to the scene to communicate with the boss in person.,Demonstrate the advantages of mountain engineering machinery and equipment,In this way, they run from one field to another.,Made a name for himself in the neighborhood.。

Shan Gong Machinery has also lived up to his trust.,It has been operating steadily,Never dropped the ball at a critical moment.。In the long run,Shangong Machinery has become the most powerful right-hand man of Wu Laosan and his operators.。


Be contented and cherish happiness

2020,Wu Laosan went to the BMW exhibition in Shanghai.,At that time, there was one on the exhibition stand of Shandong Machinery.Shan Gong MachinerySEM818DBulldozerIt's on display,He was attracted by the tough and atmospheric appearance at a glance.,After inquiring the technical parameters in detail,,I was even more impressed by its excellent performance.,Bought the exhibit on the stand on the spot.,It was transported from Shanghai to the construction site in Suzhou on the same day.。Later,Wu Laosan undertakes more and more projects.,The number of equipment purchased has also increased.。

There was a period of time when Wu Laosan had difficulties in the flow of funds.,Other dealers are not willing to accommodate the installment payment.,At this time, the dealer of mountain machinery found him.,Take the initiative to find ways to help him ease the pressure of payment.。It is this way of doing things that always stands on the customer's point of view for the customer.,Let Wu Laosan always trust the mountain machinery.。Most of the time,He has seven or eight sets of mountain machinery equipment.。Look at him who is very busy.,His wife would always persuade him to buy less.,Don't put so much pressure on yourself.。

“I just feel sorry for him.,Because I don't want to put so much pressure on him.”“I am easy to be satisfied.,You don't need to be rich and noble.。”

From the poor years to today's stability.,Wu Laosan's wife never abandoned him.,Cook for him、Raising children、Take care of housework。Later, there were more social activities.,The wife also specially got a driver's license.,Just so I could drive him home after the party.。

Because I've been through really hard times.,So both husband and wife cherish their blessings very much.,It's also easy to satisfy.,What they want most is a smooth life.。Some colleagues bought equipment and set off firecrackers to celebrate.,Show your success with loud gongs and drums.。But Wu Laosan never does that.,Even when new equipment is purchased.,He will tell the driver not to send Tik Tok.,Don't send it to the circle of friends,And no firecrackers.。Actually,Buy every piece of equipment back.,He was also very excited.,Call your parents first thing.,

“Mom and Dad,I bought another one.!”

Through this way of reporting good news.,He expressed his sense of accomplishment in a low-key and cautious way.,As if afraid that the noise will break everything we have now.。

Nowadays,The driving force of Wu Laosan's hard work has become his growing son.,I didn't have a chance to get it.,He wanted to get it all ready for his son.,“Children can't buy a house when they grow up.”。


There are successors

Wu Laosan's son is 19 years old.,An adult child enters society for the first time.,Countless possible futures were unfolding before him.。Ask about his plans for the future.,He said:

“Look, let my son learn to bulldoze.,There's one right in front of you.(Plan)Here we go,Is it right?”


In his opinion,He has spent half his life's hard work paving the way for the next generation.,Son, if you get into this business,,It won't be as difficult as it was when he started.。“When will he understand what we have suffered?,When will he be sensible?,We'll be relieved.。”Wu Laosan's lover all said with a sigh.,Half of the eyes are worried,Half of them are unlimited expectations for their son's future.。

The first half of Wu Laosan's life was undoubtedly hard.

But the good news is that all the suffering is in the past.

Now in front of him and his family.

It's the bright future he worked so hard to earn.

Many a little adds up.、Accompanied by mountain machinery and equipment all the way

Is the best witness.

More from“Special Forces Training Camp”The story of the machine friend,

Will be launched one after another,Stay tuned。

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