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International Trade New Energy Establishment and Cooperation Signing Ceremony Successfully Held

November 03, 2022

November 2,Xiamen International Trade New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as“International Trade New Energy”)The inauguration and cooperation signing ceremony was successfully held in Haiyi Building.。Secretary of the Party Committee of International Trade Holding Group、Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of Haiyi Group、Chairman Xu Xiaoxi,Zeng Tingyi, Vice General Manager of International Trade Holding Group and Vice Chairman of Haiyi Group, jointly unveiled the new energy of International Trade.。

Middle and senior cadres of Haiyi Group,Relevant person in charge of the investment enterprise under International Trade Holdings,Functional departments of Haiyi Group、Person in charge of the investment enterprise,And the relevant responsible persons of the cooperative units attended the ceremony.。

Establishment of International Trade New Energy,The International Trade Holding Group officially launched a new journey of new energy industry strategy.,It is also the implementation of the International Trade Holding Group.、Sea Wing Group“The 14th Five-Year Plan”Major initiatives and practical actions.。International Trade New Energy will take the expansion of high-quality photovoltaic business as the starting point.,Develop new energy business。

New energy and new materials industry is a new business area of Haiyi Group.,It is a strategic emerging industry with broad prospects for development.。International Trade New Energy will actively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the country“Double Carbon”Policy,Grasp the opportunity of development,By rapidly promoting the development of roof distributed photovoltaic business,And then lay out hydrogen energy、Wind power、Energy storage and other new businesses,Construct the new energy industry ecology of Haiyi Group,Committed to becoming a regional new energy integrated service and system solution provider。

Ceremony site,International Trade New Energy has also signed strategic cooperation agreements with eight cooperative units.,Comprehensive expansion“moments”,Achieve win-win cooperation。


A new starting point、A new journey。International Trade New Energy will take on a new look,Anchor the target,Work hard and set sail,It is one of the five tracks of the International Trade Holding Group.“Advanced manufacturing”Track development increases“Green engine”。

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