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Preliminary Work Promotion Meeting of expressway Construction Project from Fanshi to Wutai

November 01, 2022

October twenty sixth,Preliminary Work Promotion Meeting of expressway Construction Project from Fanshi to Wutai。Standing Committee of Xinzhou Municipal Committee、Vice Mayor Wen Jianjun presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.,Municipal Transportation Bureau、Heads of relevant departments such as the Municipal Development and Reform Commission attended the meeting。

At the meeting,The project consulting unit reported the land pre-examination.、Flood Control Evaluation、Progress of preliminary special assessment of cultural relics;The project design unit has reported the feasibility study report、Progress of preliminary design work;The head of the Municipal Transportation Bureau made arrangements for the next stage of work.。

Wen Jianjun stressed,All relevant departments should further improve their political standing.,Effectively integrate ideas into the arrangement and deployment of provincial and municipal governments.,Advance the work in strict accordance with the requirements。We should further clarify the key tasks.,The Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism should strengthen communication and docking with the Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics,Actively strive for support from the State Administration of Cultural Relics,Obtain the approval of the cultural protection scheme as soon as possible;Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau should strengthen the docking with provincial departments.,Speed up the formalities;The Municipal Finance Bureau should determine the solution as soon as possible to ensure that the financial affordability meets the requirements.,FinishPPPWarehousing。Be prepared to enter the arena.,Make full use of funds、Technology、Personnel and other preparatory work。We should cooperate closely.,A special person is in charge,Active communication and docking,Coordination and acceleration,To the provincial Party committee and the provincial government、Provincial Department of Transportation、Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government handed in a satisfactory answer。

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