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FPT unveiled at Bauma 2022 in Germany, Cursor 9 engine wins the hearts of users with its strength

October 31, 2022

Hot-selling Products Appear at the Grand Event,Top brands gather in Munich。October 24, 2022-30 days,Global Construction Machinery Industry Event——Munich, Germanybauma The grand opening of 2022,Fiat Power Technology with its full range of products,IncludeF28、N45、Cursor 9 and other power and related spare parts made a heavy appearance.,Show the world the infinite charm of advanced manufacturing and the mature concept of sustainable development。

Among,Cursor 9 EngineAs a star power product designed for demanding heavy-duty applications,Have stable performance、Lower operating costs and higher productivity,Can better meet customer needs,Attracted the attention of the audience.。

Cursor 9 EngineSpeak with performance,Help usersOne of Fiat Powertech's flagship engine families for off-road applications,Cursor 9 Engine displacement is 8.7 liters,The power overlay 210kWTo 338kW,Torque up to 1880Nm,Support the use of renewable fuels for power,This makesCursor 9 The engine is environmentally friendly、Safe、Reliable、Efficient、Energy saving and other aspects have a good performance.,Not only is the structure robust and firm,,Suitable for applications requiring high power、Fast load response、High energy density、Customers who have high requirements for durability and reliability of products,At the same time its reliability、Economy、Cleanliness is highly praised by customers all over the world.!Born for the environment,Build Green Water and Green Mountains Together

Facing increasingly stringent environmental protection requirements,Fiat Power Technologies from“Core”Set out,Focused on addressing escalating on-road and off-road emission regulatory requirement,Its advanced technology meets the needs of various new emission upgrades at home and abroad.,Provide users with high efficiency、An economical solution。

Among,CursorSeries engines were first introduced in 1998,It has always maintained the same frequency as the times.,Adhere to the R & D concept of environmental protection。ItsCursor 9 The engine pays attention to environmental protection requirements in the process of research and development,UsedFPTNoneEGR Technology and exclusive patent technology HI-eSCR2 Post-processing solutions,Non-road can be satisfiedStage V(EU Phase V)And the requirements of the fourth national emission regulation,Achieved up to 95%Catalytic efficiency of nitrogen oxides,Achieve effective emission reduction,Ensure the environmental protection quality of the engine。


With the increasing global awareness of climate change,,Efficient and environmentally friendly power products and solutions have become the consensus of industry development.。In Munich, Germanybauma At the 2022 exhibition,Fiat Power Technology not only saves energy and protects the environment、The power is surgingCursor 9 Engine,More innovative products and solutions to share with you!

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