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Shanhe Juding's after-sales service never stops, paying tribute to its perseverance during the epidemic

October 31, 2022

Since the beginning of 2022,One after another novel coronavirus epidemic,The production and life of many places have been affected.。To ensure the normal operation of the customer's equipment,The engineers of Shanhe Juding took their own practical actions.,Practicing“Only by creating value for customers can we create value for ourselves”A promise。

The Ordos region is the main market for the sales of Shanhe Mining Card.。However,Since the epidemic spread in Inner Mongolia in early October,Most of the people were isolated at home.,Many customer projects have a shortage of service engineers.。

To this,Shanhe Juding After-sales Service Department immediately organized the company's after-sales service personnel to go to various mine projects.,Help customers solve their urgent needs。“In this formed team.,Everyone has a heavy responsibility.,They work hard every day without complaint,With a sincere sense of responsibility,Practice the purpose of service to create value,Won the praise of our customers.。”

Zhang Xingliang is one of the many after-sales engineers in the Ordos region.。October seventh,Received a maintenance emergency call from a coal mine customer,He drove to the location of the client company that night.。


From early October,Multiple cases of asymptomatic infection in Inner Mongolia,Zhang Xingliang's journey is also limited everywhere.。According to the local epidemic prevention policy,If Zhang Xingliang wants to return to the company,,7-day isolation control is required。In order not to delay the customer's project progress.,He resolutely decided to stay at the customer site.,Ensure timely handling of customer issues,He stayed for more than half a month.。

End of October,With the easing of the epidemic,After completing the task, Zhang Xingliang finally returned to the company.,And cooperate with the epidemic prevention policy to carry out 7 days of home isolation control.。

At present,The situation of epidemic prevention and control is still grim.,In order to ensure after-sales service in areas seriously affected by the epidemic,Shanhe Juding will continue to fully coordinate local resources.,In the form of multiple services,Provide strong after-sales support to customers。

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