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Deepening strategic cooperation with China Quality Certification Center and winning Kion Asia Pacific Integrated Management System Certification

October 25, 2022

October 19, 2022,Kion Group Asia Pacific Integrated Management System Certification and Signing CeremonyIt was held at the headquarters in Xiamen.。China Central InspectionMr. Guo Tinglin, General Manager of Xiamen CompanyAndMr. Lin Yuhui, General Manager AssistantGuo Jinpeng, Director of Kion Group and President of Kion Asia Pacific and AmericasAndMr. Shi Hang, Senior Quality Director of Kion Asia PacificAnd so on attended this activity together.,Deepen strategic cooperation,Talk about the future development。

Innovation of enterprises、Change is inseparable from the continuous optimization and iteration of the management system.。A setRigorous and perfect、Efficient and agile、Flexible and flexible、Management system in line with business developmentIt is an important foundation for the high-quality development of enterprises.。Kion actively promotes integrated management mechanism。2021,EstablishedAsia Pacific Integrated Management System Certification Project Team,Work together to systematically integrate 17 Asia-Pacific regionalQuality、EnvironmentAndOccupational Health and Safety Management ProcessDeep integration and optimization have been carried out,Build a comprehensive set of tools that are suitable forIntegrated Management System in the Asia-Pacific Region

With the implementation of the integrated management system,Let factories in the Asia Pacific region、The business processes of domestic regions and overseas sales companies are more standardized and standardized.,It greatly reduces internal friction and communication costs.。In this year,During the expert review and verification for more than two months,Asia Pacific Integrated Management System,It has been unanimously approved by the evaluation experts of China Quality Certification Center.,And won in the golden autumn of October.Certificate of Asia Pacific Integrated Management System

At the ceremony,Guo Jinpeng, Director of Kion Group and President of Kion Asia Pacific and AmericasPointed out in his speech:“Excellent management system is the key to the success of enterprises.,Implementing integrated management in Kion Asia Pacific is not only the need of Kion Group's development.、It is also the need of management transformation in Kion Asia Pacific region.,It is the cornerstone of the Asia-Pacific region from excellence to excellence.。As the first operation unit in Kion Group to obtain the certification of integrated management system,,This is definitely an important milestone in the development of the Asia-Pacific region this year.。

Guo Tinglin, General Manager of China CIQ Xiamen CompanyExpress:“A workman wants to do his work well.,You must first sharpen your tools.。It is of great significance for Kion Group to obtain the certificate of Asia-Pacific Integrated Management System.,This is the standardization of Kion Asia Pacific management.、Standardization、Scientific,An important step in conformity with international standards,It marks that the company's management level has stepped up to a new level.。” 


For closer cooperation between the two sides in the future,Kion Asia PacificAndChina Quality Certification CenterHigh-level decisions of both sidesSigning of strategic cooperation agreement,Give full play to their respective technological advantages,Explore each other and make progress together,Jointly realize the rapid development of the enterprise。

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