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Shi Wenjian, Deputy Secretary of Huishan District Party Committee, led the investigation and visited Taixin Machinery

October 24, 2022

October twentieth in the afternoon,Shi Wenjian, Deputy Secretary of Huishan District Party Committee, led the team to inspect and guide Taixin Machinery,Xin Peng, chairman of Taixin、Vice Chairman Pan Junji、Xiao Huaan, general manager of the marketing company, jointly received the visiting leaders.。

The visitors are accompanied by the management team of Taixin.,Visit Taixin Manufacturing Workshop together and watch the demonstration of drilling rig construction method,Chairman Xin Peng, founder of Taixin Brand, introduced the history of Taixin's enterprise development.、Organizational structure、Research and Development Focus and Application Prospect of Small and Medium-sized Rotary Drilling Rig。The development of many customized new products of Taixin Machinery has filled the gap in the industry.,In particular, a series of drilling rigs custom-developed for SGCC.,Solve the problem of power grid lines in China“Foundation construction relies on manual excavation for a long time.”Difficult construction problems,It greatly improves the safety and construction efficiency of the foundation construction of transmission and transformation lines.,For China's electric power construction“Fully mechanized”Construction has made outstanding contributions.。


Secretary Shi said that the District Committee、The district government will continue to do a good job in service guarantee.,As always, be the strong backing of the enterprise,Optimize business environment,More policy support will be given to the introduction of key projects, industrial support and scientific and technological talents.,Help enterprises for a long time、Steady、High quality development。Encourage Taixin Machinery to continue to strengthen scientific and technological innovation,Constantly refine core technologies and services,Grasp the advantages of our products,Stick to the small rotary excavation market“Invisible champion”At the same time as the title,Continuously improve the development level and competitiveness of enterprises。I hope Taixin Machinery will not forget its original aspiration.,Adhere to“Focus on creating value”The core concept continues to advance.,It's building“First-class in China、Internationally renowned”Small and medium-sized rotary excavation professional brand on the road of enterprise goal.,Forge ahead、Actively forge ahead,To contribute to the economic and social development of Wuxi。

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