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In the past ten years, Sany has crossed the watershed of digital intelligence!

October 19, 2022

Ten years ago,It was 2012,China's Construction Machinery Industry Enters a Period of Deep Adjustment,Increase in production and labor costs、Poor management process、Many problems such as backward product iteration emerge one by one.。

How to cross the cycle,Through the cold winter of the industry?Transformation from Informatization to Digitalization,It has become the most important grasp of Sany.。“Or turn over,Or capsize!”Liang Wengen, chairman of Sany Group, expressed his determination to change digital intelligence during the 13th National People's Congress.。

Nowadays,Ten years have passed,The transformation of Sany's digital intelligence has achieved initial results.。

Intelligent manufacturing,The factory counterattacked“Lighthouse”

Ten years ago,“From a distance, it looks like fleeing from famine.,Up close, it looks like a charcoal seller.,Look carefully, it is electric welding.。”A jingle tells all about the foolishness of manufacturing factories.、Black、Thick、Dirty、Chaos、Tired。Trinity at this time,It has more than 70,000 employees.,More than half of them are workers.,The highest annual sales volume is 75 billion yuan.。


Ten years later,Sany's sales reached 172 billion yuan.,More than double the peak of the previous cycle,The number of front-line workers has not only been reduced by more than half.,And many have become robot operators.,No more dusty faces.,Command with just a dot on the screen,There is sorting、Welding、AGVWait for the robot to do most of the dirty work.、Hard work、Heavy work,The factory has also become“Clever”And“High Tech”A representative of。


In the process.,Sany invested tens of billions of yuan.,Start 46 digital transformation factory projects,Covering Changsha、Beijing、Kunshan、Shanghai、Shenyang、Xi'an、Sany Industrial Park in Indonesia and other parts of the world。

At present,Sany successfully gave birth to the only two world lighthouse factories in the global heavy industry.——Beijing Pile Driver factory、Changsha No.18 Factory Building,And the first overseas in China's construction machinery industry“Lighthouse factory”——Indonesian factory,Become the leading manufacturing industry“Lighthouse”。

Smart products,Bring science fiction into reality

Ten years ago,A construction site with a high temperature of more than 40 degrees、A road with a pungent smell of asphalt、Dusty factory building、A drab mine.......In a tough construction environment,The builders interpret the struggle with sweat.。


Who would have thought,One day,Sitting in an air-conditioned room thousands of miles away.,You can remotely control the machine to work.。

Today,A plateau mining area 4418 meters above sea level in northwest China.,Sany Driverless Wide-body Vehicle Automatic and 5GThe remote control Excavator completes the alignment and parking,Operator's light control handle in the central control center a few kilometers away,Remote control Excavator starts loading operation。


In Xiongan New Area、Gaogao Expressway、Road construction sites of many national engineering construction projects such as Beijing-Taiwan Expressway,Rows of Trinity rollers、The Paver is coming towards us.,Orderly operation,And the cab was empty.。


For ten years,The world's first 5GRemote control Excavator、Unmanned crane、Unmanned roller、Unmanned mixer Truck、The world's first 5GIntelligent products such as electric intelligent heavy Trucks are constantly emerging in Sany.,Will be remotely controlled、Driverless、Intelligent operation、Virtual reality and other scenes have come into reality.。

Intelligent operation,Ubiquitous digitalization

“Datamation of all business,All data are business-oriented”,It is the requirement of Sany's digital and intelligent transformation.,It is also an inevitable requirement for the management and operation of future enterprises.。

2013,Sany began to embrace and explore the Internet.+Business;2015,Sany was selected as the first batch of Ministry of Industry and Information“Pilot demonstration project of intelligent manufacturing”,And set up an Internet marketing platform.、O2OPlatform,Drive Customer Management SystemCRMImplement,Move towards business transformation of the whole industry chain。

2016,Sany comprehensively promotes digital management on the basis of informatization,Make、Operate、Digitalize all aspects of sales,Gradually from internal process informatization to big data governance of industrial chain。

2018,Chairman Liang Wengen said at the 13th National People's Congress.,“Sany's Digital Transformation,Or turn over,Or capsize!”

Immediately after,Sany Intensifies Efforts to Promote Transformation and Upgrading,Conduct research and development、Procurement、Manufacture、Marketing、Service、Digitalization of the whole value chain such as management,Implement“Three appearances”Data、Four processes、Device interconnection、Marketing informatization(CRM)、Integration of production, marketing and storage(SCM)、R & D informatization(PLM)And other projects have made positive progress.。


Other than that,Sany's digital transformation is also reflected in the daily management.,Enter the game from Chairman Liang Wengen,Management attaches great importance to it,Go to the whole group to learn the knowledge of mathematics and intelligence.,It has constructed a digital and intelligent cultural system with strong atmosphere.。It can be said,Today at Trinity,Digitalization is everywhere。

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China:“Building a modern industrial system,Insist on putting the focus of economic development on the real economy,Promote new industrialization,Speed up the construction of a strong manufacturing country、Quality power、Space Power、A transportation power、Network power、Digital China。”Future,Sany will continue to work hard.,Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of digital intelligence,Promote the Internet、Big data、Deep integration of artificial intelligence and real economy,Build data、Software、Algorithms and other core competencies,Promoting high-quality development,Strive for a new journey、A new era of meritorious service。

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