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Zhengzhou released the implementation plan of deepening the reform of rural highway management and maintenance system

October 18, 2022

In order to implement《Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Deepening the Reform of Rural Highway Management and Maintenance System》(Issued by the State Office〔2019〕Number 45)And《Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Henan Province on Issuing the Implementation Plan for Deepening the Reform of Rural Highway Management and Maintenance System in Henan Province》(Henan Administration Office〔2020〕Number 52),Speed up the establishment of a long-term mechanism for the management and maintenance of rural roads,Combining with the reality of Zhengzhou,Formulate this implementation plan。

2022,Basic establishment of clear powers and responsibilities、System and mechanism of rural highway management and maintenance under joint management,Form a clear responsibility for financial input、A new pattern of active participation of social forces。Efficient Operation of Rural Road Chief System,The governance capacity has been significantly improved.,Initial formation of governance system。The traffic conditions and road environment of rural roads have improved significantly.,Traffic support capacity has been significantly enhanced。The maintenance rate of rural roads reaches 100 percent%,The annual average proportion of maintenance works shall not be less than 5% of the total mileage%,The proportion of medium and above rural roads is not less than 80%。

By 2035,Build a comprehensive and complete system、Efficient rural road management and maintenance system and mechanism,Basically realize the equalization of public services for urban and rural highway transportation,The level of road conditions and the road environment have been fundamentally improved.,Basic realization of rural areas“Travel is worry-free、Unimpeded、People enjoy their actions、The best of things”,Comprehensive improvement of rural highway management capacity,Comprehensive improvement of the governance system。

Improve the management and maintenance system of rural roads

Strengthen overall planning and policy guidance。Implement the policies of higher authorities,To formulate the relevant departments of the municipal government and the county(City)List of powers and responsibilities of the government for the management and maintenance of rural roads,To the county(City)The government implements performance management in the management and maintenance of rural roads.。The Municipal Transportation Bureau should strengthen the guidance for the management and maintenance of rural roads.、Supervision,Formulate relevant systems,Strengthen policy guidance and business guidance。The Municipal Finance Bureau should strengthen the overall planning of provincial funds.,Raise municipal maintenance subsidy funds。Municipal Development and Reform Commission、The Municipal Agricultural Commission and other departments should formulate and implement relevant policies.,Support and promote the development of rural roads。

Implement the county(City)The main responsibility of the government。County(City)The government should follow“County Road and County Administration、Village Road Village Pipe”The principle of,Incorporate the management and maintenance of rural roads into the overall planning of the Rural Revitalization Strategy,Establish and improve the responsibility system of rural highway management and maintenance。Establish and improve government-led counties in an all-round way、Village、Village three-level road chief system。Establish relevant departments、List of powers and responsibilities of township governments for management and maintenance of rural roads,To guide and supervise relevant departments and township governments to perform their duties and responsibilities.。Funds for maintenance of rural roads and funds for operation of management agencies、Personnel expenditure is fully included in the general public finance budget.。

Give play to the countryside、The role of the village level and the mobilization of the enthusiasm of the peasant masses。The township government is in the county(City)Within the scope of responsibilities determined by the government,It is specifically responsible for the rural roads within its administrative region.、Management and maintenance of village roads。Strengthen the construction of township management and maintenance institutions,Implement the responsibility of custody,To guide villagers' committees to carry out the management and maintenance of village roads according to local conditions.。The villagers' committee shall, in accordance with“Farmers volunteer、Democratic decision-making”The principle of,Take a case-by-case approach、Carry out the management and maintenance of village roads by means of work-for-relief.。Strengthen propaganda and guidance,Promote the incorporation of road protection requirements into village rules and regulations、Village rules and regulations。Rural collective economic organizations and social forces are encouraged to raise funds and labor independently to participate in the management and maintenance of rural roads.。Encourage the management and maintenance of rural roads to be included in the scope of public welfare posts,Provide employment opportunities for people in need。

Guarantee funds for management and maintenance of rural roads

Implementing the funds for the reform of refined oil taxes and fees。To implement the national and provincial tax and fee reform on refined oil, the transfer payment instead of the original highway maintenance fee should be used for highway maintenance.,And shall not be used for the construction of new highways。From 2022,This fund will no longer include other expenditures such as operating funds and personnel of the management organization.。

Improve the subsidy policy for maintenance projects。Actively strive for provincial subsidy funds,Subsidy policies for rural highway maintenance projects at the municipal level。Province、The municipal subsidy fund shall not be less than 40% of the construction and installation cost in the total investment of the maintenance project%,The rest is composed of districts and counties.(City)Self-financing。

Implement the daily maintenance fund guarantee policy。Province、City、District and county(City)Three-level public financial funds(Excluding the part of alternative road toll)The total amount used for daily maintenance of rural roads shall not be lower than the following standards:County road 10000 yuan per kilometer per year、Rural roads are 5000 yuan per kilometer per year.、3000 yuan per kilometer per year for village roads。Province、City、District and county(City)Level 3 according to 2:2:Proportional sharing of 6(Provincial and Zhengzhou Airport District、Directly administered counties by finance according to 4:Proportional sharing of 6),Those actually higher than the above standards shall not be lowered.。Dust control and rural highway detection are included in the special funds.,Included in districts and counties(City)Budget。

Establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism。Subsidy policies for rural road maintenance projects and daily maintenance,Build and Mileage、Dynamic adjustment mechanism related to maintenance cost changes and other factors,In principle, the adjustment period shall not exceed five years.。

Strengthen the supervision and management of the use of maintenance funds。Implementing the whole process budget performance management for the funds used by public finance at all levels for the maintenance of rural roads,Independent accounting、Special funds are used for special purposes,Ensure timely and full allocation。City、County finance and transportation departments should strengthen the supervision of rural highway maintenance funds.,It is strictly forbidden to adopt the construction party with capital in the construction of rural roads.—Handover(BT)Pattern,It is strictly forbidden to“Integration of construction and maintenance”Nominal new implicit debt。The use of public funds shall be made public to the public in accordance with the relevant provisions.,Accept the supervision of the masses。The village affairs supervision committee shall include the use of village road maintenance funds and the quality of maintenance in the scope of supervision.。Audit departments should regularly audit the use of rural highway maintenance funds.。

Innovation of investment and financing mechanism for rural highway development。District and county(City)The government should give full play to the guiding role of government funds.,Take financial subsidies、Nourish first and supplement later、Reward instead of compensation、Free provision of material yards and other ways to support rural road maintenance。The development of rural roads will be included in the general bond support of local governments.。Local governments are encouraged to bundle bidding for rural highway construction and maintenance for a certain period of time.,Integrating rural roads and industry、Park、Integrated development of operational projects such as rural tourism,Operating income is used for rural road maintenance。Actively explore the package operation of profitable projects such as rural highway related ancillary facilities and rural highway maintenance.,Innovative ways of raising funds,Broaden the sources of funds。Insurance funds are encouraged to legally participate in the development of rural roads by purchasing general bonds of local governments.,Explore the development of rural road disaster insurance。

Establish a long-term mechanism for rural highway management and maintenance

Accelerate the market-oriented reform of rural highway maintenance。The degree of satisfaction and benefit of the masses、Curing quality、Efficiency of fund use as a measure,Promoting the Market-oriented Reform of Rural Highway Maintenance in an Orderly and Classified Way。Through market-oriented operation, the maintenance project will be implemented by a professional team.,Gradually establish a maintenance production organization mode with rational division of labor between the government and the market.。Encourage the construction and maintenance of trunk highways to be bundled with the management and maintenance of rural highways.,Support maintenance enterprises to participate in market competition across regions。Encouraging long-term maintenance contracts、Bidding agreement, etc.,Guide professional maintenance enterprises to increase investment,Realize mechanized operation of county roads and main township roads,Gradually improve the mechanization level of rural roads。

Further improve the daily maintenance mechanism of rural roads。Establish and improve the maintenance mechanism,The county has a central maintenance station.,There are maintenance stations in villages and towns,The village has a maintenance room。Give full play to the management of county-level central maintenance stations、The role of guiding the daily maintenance of rural roads。Township maintenance stations shall be responsible for management and maintenance.,Responsible for the daily management and maintenance of rural roads,Guide the grass-roots maintenance personnel to do a good job in daily maintenance work,To ensure the normal development of daily maintenance of rural roads。Encouraging the adoption of block contracting、Quota contract and other ways,Absorb the masses along rural roads to participate in daily maintenance、Cleaning and other work,And set up public welfare posts.,Priority should be given to the employment of people in need.。Encourage the daily maintenance of rural roads to be implemented by third parties through government purchasing services.。

Strengthen safety and credit management。Highway safety facilities should be designed simultaneously with the main project.、Construction at the same time、Put into use at the same time,The county government should organize public security.、Emergency and other departments participate in the completion of rural roads(Hand in)Work acceptance。Gradually improve the safety facilities of the built rural roads.,Timely investigation and management of potential safety hazards。Strengthen the supervision of rural highway maintenance market,Focus on establishing a credit evaluation mechanism with quality as the core,Implement joint incentives for keeping faith and joint punishment for breaking faith.,Incorporate credit records into the national credit information sharing platform in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state,Open to the public according to law。

Strengthen law enforcement capacity building。Strict enforcement of laws on rural roads、Regulations and technical specifications。County-level governments should be established.“County has a road administrator、There are supervisors in the township、There are road guards in the village”Road Property Right Protection Team。Strengthen road administration and law enforcement capacity building,Implement the policy of overloading control。Explore the protection of road property rights through civil compensation。

Promoting High Quality Development of Rural Highway。Adhere to green development,Saving and intensive use of resources,Realize the harmonious coexistence of road and nature。Dust pollution should be prevented in the maintenance and production of rural roads。Vigorously push forward“Beautiful Rural Road”Construction,Effectively improve the road environment,Integrate the beauty of traffic into the overall environmental beauty of the village。Insist on integrated development,Promoting rural roads and characteristic industries、Rural tourism and other multi-integration。Insist on wisdom development,Promoting the use of new technologies、Management and maintenance of rural roads by new means。Strengthen 5G、Beidou、The Internet、Internet of Things、Big data、Application of new technologies such as satellite remote sensing,Continuously improve the management efficiency and maintenance level of rural roads。

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