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Hester: Step by Step to Replace Training with "Race" — — Improving Driving Skills

October 17, 2022

Step by Step to Improve Forklift Driving Skills

The Mid-Autumn Festival is the most beautiful.,In the golden brown, red, yellow and green everywhere,The chemical industry user safety training and forklift skills competition co-sponsored by Hester Forklift came to a successful conclusion.!A total of 20 drivers participated in the event.,Factory director of the user's factory、Managers and other company managers as judges to score。A total of awards were awarded in this competition:One first prize、Two second prizes and three third prizes。

Contestants should be arranged according to the schedule.,Complete the end water skillfully around the obstacle in turn.、Forklift hanging and other events.。These items respectively examined the driver's turning of the forklift.、The degree of grasping the angle of taking objects;Forklift driving skills、Driver's psychological quality、Ability of daily operation efficiency and precise control。


End Water Skillfully Around Obstacles、Forklift hanging

This competition not only builds a demonstration skill for users and employees,、A platform for communication and learning,But also for the same forklift.“Deal with”A review of the skills of the staff and workers.。Hope to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees to constantly consolidate their skills through competition.、Encourage employees to improve their overall quality,For the country、Create a batch of excellence for the chemical industry、Inheritance and innovation of highly skilled personnel。

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