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Ten Years of Effective Investment Focuses on the Needs of Development and the Expectations of People's Livelihood

October 17, 2022

Ten Years of Effective Investment to Meet the Needs of Development and the Expectations of People's Livelihood

Ms. Wang, who graduated from Beijing, is from Inner Mongolia.,The changes in transportation infrastructure in recent years have made her feel comfortable.:“Ten years ago, I came to Beijing from my hometown to go to university.,It takes more than 10 hours by train.。Now the high-speed railway goes to my hometown.,It can be reached in just over two hours.,Let me often go home to see the dream has become a reality.。”

Same as Ms. Wang's good mood.,Xiao Zhao, who has changed into a new energy Vehicle, has been smiling recently.:“Great changes have taken place in the past ten years.,Now it is very convenient to run long distance at high speed.,Charging stations along the way、There are more and more charging piles,Powering up is as easy as refueling.,In some places, it can last 300 kilometers in 10 minutes.。”

Talk about the changes in the past ten years.,Mr. Fang, the head of an enterprise in the eastern region, said happily.:“In recent years,The State's Policies and Measures for Steady Industrial Growth,Manufacturing investment also continues to heat up.。By continuously increasing investment in technological transformation,It has built a highly automated and intelligent modern production line.,Continuously activate the endogenous power of enterprises,Enterprise employees are more energetic.。”

People's livelihood one by one“Small things”,It reflects the happiness of people's lives.“The great of the country”。For ten years,China continues to increase effective investment,Guiding more funds to make up for shortcomings、Adjust the structure、Promote innovation、Benefit people's livelihood,The level of supply has achieved a qualitative leap.,It has enhanced the people's sense of happiness and acquisition in an all-round way.。For ten years,These changes around you and me,It profoundly reflects the value of the times for the country to actively expand effective investment.。

Investment pull is the starting point It is also an important support for economic and social development.

In economics, investment is often、Consumption、Export is a metaphor for pulling.GDPGrowing“Troika”,This is the most vivid description of the principle of economic growth.。For the economic development of our country,The significance of investment is very significant.,A long time,Investment is an important engine of rapid economic growth.。Investment connects both supply and demand.,It is the key variable linking demand and supply.。In the short term,Investment is an important part of aggregate demand.,To stabilize economic growth,Promoting employment and consumption is of great significance.;In the medium and long term,Investment is new productive capacity.、The formation process of supply capacity,Especially in the sense of innovation.,Play a key role in economic growth。

The Party Central Committee、The State Council has repeatedly deployed the work of expanding effective investment.。2022《Report on the work of the government》Put forward“Actively expand effective investment”“Infrastructure investment should be moderately advanced.,Government investment is more inclined to people's livelihood projects,We will intensify efforts to make up for shortcomings in the field of people's livelihood.”。April 29,The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting,Put forward“All efforts should be made to expand domestic demand.,Play a key role in effective investment,Strengthen the land、Use energy、Environmental impact assessment and other guarantees,Strengthen infrastructure construction in an all-round way”。May 11,The executive meeting of the State Council deployed to further revitalize the stock assets,Put forward“Broaden the channels of social investment、Expand effective investment”。

Yang Yinkai, deputy secretary general of the State Development and Reform Commission, held at the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee.“Ten years in China”Said at a series of thematic press conferences:“Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,According to the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council,We will work with relevant parties to actively expand effective investment,Continue to deepen the reform of investment and financing system,Continuously promote private investment,Give full play to the key role of investment,China's investment in fixed assets has maintained steady growth,It has played an important role in sustained and healthy economic development.。”

Recently,The National Bureau of Statistics issued a series of reports on the achievements of economic and social development since the 18th National Congress of the CPC.,Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core,All regions and departments accurately grasp the new stage of development,Deeply implement the new development concept,Accelerate the construction of a new development pattern,Promoting high-quality development,Steadfastly promote the work in the field of fixed assets investment,Increase effective investment,The scale of investment has been expanding.,Continuous optimization of investment structure,Investment and construction have yielded fruitful results.,Steady growth in investment、Make up for shortcomings、Strong and weak items、The effect of increasing kinetic energy is more obvious.,Promoting economic growth、The key role in optimizing the supply structure has been continuously strengthened.。Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,China's investment in fixed assets continued to grow steadily.,Vigorously promote high-quality economic development。2013~2021,The total investment in fixed assets of the whole society is 409 trillion yuan.,Average annual growth of 9.4%;The total investment in fixed assets of the whole society increased from 28% in 2012.2 trillion yuan to 55 in 2021.3 trillion yuan。The scale of construction has been expanding.,In 2021, the construction scale of national construction projects reached 148.9 trillion yuan,It's 3 in 2012..5x;The construction scale of new projects is 37 trillion yuan.,It's 2 in 2012..3 times。

In an intelligent equipment company located in Changsha Jingkai District,Workers are assembling mechanical equipment.。Xinhua News Agency

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,Various departments in various regions insist on promoting supply-side structural reform as the main line.,Continuously increase investment in infrastructure,Major transportation、Water Conservancy、Great achievements have been made in the investment and construction of communication projects.,Investment in the social sector has achieved remarkable results.。Take the investment and construction of transportation and water conservancy projects as an example,2013~2021,National infrastructure investment grew by an average of 12 percent%,Growth rate 2% higher than total investment.3 percentage points;20% of total investment in 2021.5%,5% higher than 2012.7 percentage points。2013~2021,Road Transport、Investment in the air transport industry grew by an average of 13..4%、8.4%;The average annual growth of investment in water conservancy management industry is 9.3%。Accelerating the pace of transformation and upgrading of industrial investment。2013~2021,China's investment in the secondary industry has increased by 5% annually.9%,Among,Industrial investment grew at an average annual rate of 7.2%,Investment in industrial technological transformation increased by 8% annually.6%。2021,Investment in technological transformation accounted for 36% of industrial investment.2%,3% higher than 2012.8 percentage points,Become the main driving force for industrial investment growth。

Investment growth has effectively supported the smooth operation of the economy.,Today's investment is tomorrow's supply。“Expanding effective investment is an important starting point for short-term counter-cyclical adjustment.,It is conducive to promoting stable investment growth and stable economic operation.。More importantly,,Expanding effective investment with a long-term view,In the long run, it is conducive to adjusting and optimizing the investment structure.,Investment plays a key role in optimizing the supply structure.。”Wu Yaping, a researcher at the Institutional Policy Office of the Investment Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, told reporters.。

Concentrate on major events and play a key role in effective investment

2014,After 11 years of fighting,The first phase of the east-middle route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project has been completed and put into operation,This is a magnificent ecological project and livelihood project.,Up to now, the cumulative water supply has reached 56.5 billion cubic meters.,Beneficiary population more than 1.500 million people,Play a significant economic、Social and ecological benefits。

2019,After less than 5 years of construction,Beijing Daxing International Airport officially open to navigation,To create an amazing“Chinese speed”。The construction of the airport has activated the airport economic zone of 150 square kilometers.,Drive the flow of people、Logistics、Capital flow、Efficient aggregation of production factors such as information flow,It provides a new impetus for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.。

September 22,All units on the left bank of Baihetan Hydropower Station are put into operation,This is the largest hydropower project under construction in the world.。So far,The units of Baihetan Hydropower Station that have been put into operation are in safe and stable operation.,Cumulative power generation exceeds 41 billion kWh,Safe and stable supply of electricity.。Baihetan Hydropower Station is expected to be fully completed and put into operation.,The average annual power generation can reach 624.4.3 billion kilowatt hours。

For ten years,Major landmark projects are constantly emerging.,It highlights the national spirit and the style of craftsmen in a big country at the modern level.。China has actively expanded effective investment.,Concentrate on doing big things、Difficult、Urgent business,Construction work in key areas has been vigorously and orderly promoted.。Expanding Effective Investment Not Only Releases Quickly,And that correlation effect is strong.,These major projects have benefited hundreds of millions of people.,It has laid the foundation for the long-term development of China's economy and society.。A report from the National Bureau of Statistics,From the contribution of investment to the economy,2013~2021,The national average capital formation rate is 43 percent.9%,The situation of good interaction between effective investment and consumption upgrading is gradually taking shape.。

Luo Guosan, director of the fixed assets investment department of the national development and Reform Commission, said.,According to the Party Central Committee、Decision and deployment of the State Council,The National Development and Reform Commission, in conjunction with relevant parties,,Give full play to the role of coordination mechanism in promoting effective investment in important projects,We should do a good job in screening and recommending alternative projects for policy-oriented development financial instruments.,Effectively, orderly and effectively promote the implementation of the project as soon as possible,Better play the key role of investment,Grasp the formation of precise and effective investment,Help consolidate the positive trend of economic recovery,Promote stable, healthy and sustainable economic and social development。

“Effective investment is to be able to form physical quantities.,Project investment that can bring investment benefits into play。”Li Kaimeng, chief economist of China International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., said in an interview with reporters.,Effective investment in the past ten years meets the requirements of high-quality development.,The direction of investment is more inclined to solve the outstanding problems of insufficient economic and social development.,It also takes into account short-term needs and long-term benefits.,While consolidating economic growth, it has fostered new momentum for long-term development.。

Under the background of high-quality development,Investment should strive to maintain steady growth.,More importantly, we should constantly improve investment efficiency.。The key to effective investment,Just don't do it“Flood irrigation”And redundant construction,Realize the unity of immediate benefit and long-term benefit。Wei Qijia, director of the Industry Department of the Forecasting Department of the National Information Center, told reporters.,Effective investment should not only meet current demand,At the same time, space and resources should be reserved for future development.。From the perspective of investment benefits in the past ten years,Focus on development urgently needed、People's livelihood is eager for problems.,The key role of investment has been effectively played.,In order to get through production、Distribution、Circulation、All aspects of consumption provide strong support.,Strengthen the driving force of domestic demand for economic growth。

Deepening the Reform of Investment and Financing System and Promoting the Better Integration of Effective Market and Government

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,The Party Central Committee、The State Council has made a series of arrangements for deepening the reform of the investment and financing system.。The landmark reform document is the CPC Central Committee in July 2016.、Issued by the State Council《Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Investment and Financing System》,This is the first time that the Party Central Committee、In the name of the State Council, a special document on the reform of the investment and financing system was issued.,The general idea of deepening the reform of investment and financing system has been clarified.、Main initiatives and task requirements。

The picture shows Sanhekou Water Control Project of Hanjiwei Water Diversion Project.。Xinhua News Agency

The nineteen major reports of the party put forward.“Deepen the reform of the investment and financing system,Give full play to the key role of investment in optimizing the supply structure”,To deepen the reform of investment and financing system,Further optimize the investment structure、Expanding effective investment has pointed out the direction.。

The reform of the examination and approval system for investment projects has been deepened.。Establish to“Streamline fronting、Parallel approval”A new approval system at the core,Only land use pre-examination and site selection opinions are reserved as pre-approval items.;Revise the approved catalogue for three consecutive times,Substantial cancellation and delegation of project approval authority,Cumulative reduction of 90% of projects approved at the central level%Above;With the exception of a very small number of projects requiring approval,All investment projects of other enterprises shall be subject to the informing filing system.;Clearing up the matters for examination and approval of investment projects,Integrate 65 items submitted for construction approval into 42 items。At the same time,Local governments have also made bold explorations in optimizing the examination and approval management services.,For example,Launched in Zhejiang Province“Run at most once.”Reform and exploration of investment project commitment system reform in Shanxi Province.,Positive results have been achieved in promoting the reform of the investment approval system.。

New progress has been made in innovating investment and financing mechanisms.。The state supports the establishment of local government funding guidance.、Market-oriented operation、Industrial investment funds under professional management,Formation of government and industrial capital、The resultant force of financial capital。Standardize and promote cooperation between government and social capital in an orderly manner(PPP)Pattern,Expanding investment and financing channels for infrastructure projects。While strictly guarding against local debt risks,,Establishing a Standardized Investment and Financing Mechanism for Local Governments,Promoting local governments to issue special bonds,Broaden the infrastructure、Sources of funding in areas such as public services。Vigorously develop direct financing,Introduced one after anotherPPPAsset securitization、Green financial debt、New types of bonds such as strategic emerging industries。Improve social security、Investment and financing mechanism of insurance funds and other institutional funds for major project construction,Under the premise of controllable risk,Social security has been gradually relaxed、Investment scope of insurance fund,Through equity、Supporting the construction of major projects by means of debt。

Major breakthroughs have been made in improving the system of investment laws and regulations。《Government investment regulations》《Regulations on the Administration of Approval and Filing of Enterprise Investment Projects》《Regulations on the Administration of the Construction of Buildings and Halls by Organs and Organizations》Three administrative regulations have been promulgated.,Establish an administrative and regulatory framework for investment management。Invest in the central budget、Supervision of investment projects during and after the event、Consultation and evaluation、Information disclosure and so on.,There are seven regulations in succession.、Nearly 20 normative documents were issued.,More than ten provinces have promulgated supporting local laws and regulations.,Construct three regulations as the leader,With a number of supporting departmental regulations、The system of investment management laws and regulations supported by local laws and normative documents。

Accelerating the Revitalization of Stock Assets and Promoting the Endogenous Growth of Investment。Innovation of investment and financing mechanism,Promote eligible projects to issue real estate investment trusts in the infrastructure sector(REITs),Promoting the diversification of investors in the field of infrastructure,Opening up new sources of funds for infrastructure investment and construction。At present,There are already 17 infrastructuresREITsThe project is issued and listed,The industry covers industrial parks.、expressway、Sewage treatment、Waste incineration power generation、Warehousing and logistics、Clean Energy、Rental housing and other key areas,A total of 57.9 billion yuan of funds were sold.,Among them, the net recovery fund for new investment is about 23.2 billion yuan.,The total investment of new projects can exceed 360 billion yuan.,InfrastructureREITsActivate the stock assets、The demonstration effect of rationally expanding effective investment has gradually emerged.。

Promote investment approval“One Netcom Office”。2015,The National Development and Reform Commission has taken the lead in building a national online approval and supervision platform for investment projects.,Set up“Longitudinal penetration、Horizontal connectivity”Investment approval management system,In order to continuously deepen the investment field“Release the control clothes”The reform provides strong technical support.。At the same time,Establish project code management system and upgrade it to national standard,Carry out“One Project One Code”。At present,The investment online platform connects 62 departments of the State Council and 4 levels of central provinces, cities and counties.,Covering all levels of application departments 3.Ten thousand,There are more than 2.36 million service investors.。Pecially during COVID-19 pandemic.,The investment online platform has launched a remote online approval service.,Project approval is guaranteed.“Keep on gear”。

Sheng Lei, deputy director of the Investment Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said in an interview with reporters.,Deepening the reform of investment and financing system is an important measure to promote the formation of market-oriented investment endogenous growth mechanism and promote the high-quality development of investment.。In recent years,With the continuous deepening of the reform of the investment and financing system,,China's investment and financing management system is more sound.,Investment and financing services are more convenient,Supervision after the event is more effective,Enterprises and the masses have significantly improved their sense of reform.。

Optimize the environment for private investment and further enhance the vitality of investment

Private investment is to expand effective investment.、It is an indispensable link to stabilize the economy.。For ten years,China has issued a series of supporting policies to stabilize and expand private investment.,Use the market method、Reform measures to stimulate the vitality of private investment,Enhance the confidence of private enterprises in long-term investment。From the concrete practice,Under the traction of major projects and the leverage of government investment,The vitality of private investment has been further enhanced.,Effectively stimulating the growth of private investment。

Promoting innovative mechanisms in key areas,Attract private capital to enter。November 2014,Issued by the State Council《Guiding Opinions on Innovating Investment and Financing Mechanisms in Key Areas to Encourage Social Investment》,Choose ecological and environmental protection、Agriculture and water conservancy、Municipal、Traffic、Energy、Information、Social undertakings and other fields,Focus on attracting social capital, especially private capital.,A series of reform measures are put forward.,Further break the industry monopoly and market barriers,Stimulate the vitality and potential of market players,Create equality of rights、Equality of opportunity、Investment environment with equal rules。

Carry out the reform of the negative list system of market access,Relax market access。October 2015,Issued by the State Council《Opinions on Implementing the Negative List System for Market Access》,Introducing the concept of negative list from investment agreement negotiation to domestic economic governance,According to first try first,The principle of gradually pushing forward,Implementing a negative list system for market access,Those outside the list can enter equally according to law.,Give full play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources,Greatly reduce government administrative examination and approval、Reduce the burden of enterprises、Release market vitality。2016、2017,The state has promoted two batches of pilot projects in an orderly manner.,The pilot scope is from Shanghai.、Guangdong、Tianjin、Fujian expands to Liaoning、Zhejiang、Henan and other 11 provinces and cities。According to the Party Central Committee、Decision and deployment of the State Council,In 2018, a unified negative list system for market access will be implemented throughout the country.。

Detailed policies and measures,Enhance the sense of policy acquisition of private enterprises。September 2016,In view of the key and difficult problems found by the special supervision of the State Council to promote the healthy development of private investment, which restrict the growth of private investment,,The National Development and Reform Commission has formulated《Policies and Measures to Promote the Healthy Development of Non-governmental Investment》,From promoting investment growth、Improve financial services、Implementing and improving relevant fiscal and taxation policies、Reduce the cost of enterprises、Measures to improve integrated management services、Specific measures are put forward in six aspects, such as formulating and amending relevant laws and regulations.。September 2017,Issued by the General Office of the State Council《Guiding Opinions on Further Stimulating the Vitality of Effective Private Investment and Promoting the Sustained and Healthy Development of the Economy》,From supporting the innovation and development of private investment、Reduce the operating cost of enterprises、A number of specific measures have been put forward in 10 aspects, such as building a new type of pro-Qing political and commercial relations.。

Protect the rights and interests of private enterprises,Optimize the environment for private investment。November 2016,The CPC Central Committee、Issued by the State Council《Opinions on Improving the System of Protecting Property Rights and Protecting Property Rights According to Law》。This is the first time that a property rights protection document has been issued in the name of the document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China since the reform and opening up.,Expectation of a stable society、Enhancing investment confidence plays a very important role.。December of that year,Issued by the State Council《Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Government Credit》,Focus on strengthening government procurement、Bidding and tendering、Construction of government integrity in investment promotion and other fields,Give full play to the exemplary role of the government in the construction of social credit system,Further enhance the credibility of the government。

“In general,Private investment accounts for the majority of the overall investment.。For ten years,China fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of private investment,Form a market-led endogenous growth mechanism for investment,Further tapping the potential of economic growth。”Professor Wen Laicheng, School of Finance and Taxation, Central University of Finance and Economics, said.。

For ten years,Steady Growth of Private Investment in China,Make great contributions to economic and social development。Since 2012,The proportion of private investment in the overall investment has always been maintained at 55 percent%Above,Become the main force driving investment growth。

Benefit the present and benefit the long term,Seek a region and promote the overall situation。For ten years,From Central to Local,By expanding effective investment,Give full play to the key role of investment,A number of major investment projects have been completed.,Really focus on the needs of development.,The hope of solving people's livelihood。On the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way,We still need to continue to play a key role in effective investment.,Give full play to the guiding and leveraging role of government investment,Effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment,So as to promote the high-quality development of China's economy and society.。(China Development and Reform News reporter Pan Xiaojuan)

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