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Chairman Shi Weibin was invited to attend the Symposium on the Implementation of the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on the Protection and Promotion of Investment in Hong Kong and Macao and made a speech

September 26, 2022

●   September 20,《Regulations of Jiangsu Province on the Protection and Promotion of Investment in Hong Kong and Macao》The implementation symposium was held in Nanjing, the provincial capital.。Fan Jinlong, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress,Vice Governor Fang Wei attended the meeting and delivered a speech.。

●   Sun Yi, Director of the Provincial Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, discussed how the Provincial Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office implemented the newly revised regulations.,Statement on investment promotion services,As a representative of Hong Kong businessmen, Shi Weibin, president of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce, was invited to attend the meeting and made an exchange speech.。

●   Provincial Development and Reform Commission、Provincial Science and Technology Department、Provincial Department of Commerce、Provincial Tax Bureau、Provincial Intellectual Property Office、Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and other leaders in charge also made speeches on the implementation of the work of various departments.。

●   Provincial Department of Finance、Provincial Department of Education、Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security、Provincial Department of Natural Resources、Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism、Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau、State Administration of Foreign Exchange Jiangsu Branch、Nanjing Customs、Provincial Local Finance Authority、Nanjing Arbitration Commission and other leaders in charge also attended the meeting.。


Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress  Fan Jinlong


Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province  Fang Wei


Director of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government  Sun Yi


Chairman, Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce, Jiangsu Province  Shi Weibin

Fan Jinlong pointed out:

We should fully understand the significance of the amendment and implementation of the regulations.,Accurately Grasp the Legislative Orientation of the Amendment of Regulations,Focus on maximizing investment benefits、Investment facilitation optimization,Create a good business environment for marketization, legalization and internationalization,Give full play to the role of Hong Kong and Macao as a bridge and window for attracting investment,Further release our province's firm determination to open to the outside world,To further enhance the confidence of Hong Kong and Macao investors in investing in Jiangsu。All parties concerned should thoroughly understand the main spirit of the regulations.,Do a good job in the study and publicity of the regulations;To study and formulate various supporting systems for the implementation of the regulations in light of the actual situation,Promote the implementation of regulations in detail;Strengthen synergy,Open channels,From the perspective of protecting and promoting investment in Hong Kong and Macao, we should do a good job in communicating and handling contradictions.;Strengthen legal supervision and work supervision,Promote the full and effective implementation of the regulations。

Fang Wei stressed:

Relevant departments in all localities should publicize learning.、Implementing the Regulations as an Important Opportunity to Promote the Work of Hong Kong and Macao in Our Province,We will further promote the high-quality development of economic and trade cooperation between Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao.,Deepening and expanding exchanges and cooperation in various fields between Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao,Strive to create a first-class livable environment、Business environment,Better shoulder the responsibility of exploring the way ahead for Hong Kong and Macao work in the new era。We should focus on the implementation of the regulations.,Strengthen organizational leadership,Grasp the policy reserve,Improve supporting measures,Create a good atmosphere,Continuously improve the level of legalization of Hong Kong and Macao work in our province,Efforts should be made to promote cooperation and exchanges between Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao to a new level.。

Sun Yi speaks:

The work system of Hong Kong and Macao in the whole province insists on“Gather people's hearts、Promote cooperation”It is a target task,To serve the high-quality development of Jiangsu,Measures to support Hong Kong and Macao to better integrate into the overall development of the country and make positive contributions。He said,The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province will take this forum as an opportunity.,Do it well《Regulations》Publicity and interpretation work,Make sure《Regulations》The implementation is effective。First, vigorously create a good atmosphere of public opinion.,Strive to build the support of the whole society、A strong atmosphere of participation from all sides。Second, actively carry out thematic publicity and promotion.,Enhance the sense of acquisition of investment enterprises in Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao。Third, do a solid job.《Regulations》Implement,Comprehensively improve the work system of Hong Kong and Macao in the whole province and the application of relevant departments《Regulations》Ability to serve investment in Hong Kong and Macao。

President Shi said:

The revision of this regulation focuses on promoting the high-quality development of investment in Hong Kong and Macao.,Strengthen support and guarantee for investment in Hong Kong and Macao,Optimize business environment、Strengthen government services and so on.,The content of the revision involves not only economic and trade.、Technology、Innovation、Tax and other fields,More detailed to the convenience of Hong Kong people living in the Soviet Union.,This is undoubtedly for the enterprises in the Soviet Union and Hong Kong.、Hong Kong people send one.“Reassurance pill”。Future,The Chamber of Commerce will be under the guidance of the Provincial Hong Kong and Macao Office.,Strengthen publicity,Will the provincial Party committee、Provincial People's Congress、The care and support of the provincial government is sent to every Hong Kong-funded enterprise in the province.,Pass it on to everyone in the Soviet Union and Hong Kong;Advantages of Jiangsu Province、Strengths spread to more places,Attract more compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao to invest、In business、Learn、Life。President Shi Weibin's speech was highly praised by the leaders attending the meeting.,After the meeting, he met with Deputy Director Fan Jinlong on the service of Hong Kong business enterprises.、The development has been exchanged and discussed in depth.。

Zhang Songping, deputy director of the provincial Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, and nearly 100 leaders of relevant departments and offices.,Jiangsu Radio and Television General Station、Xinhua Daily、More than ten important media in the province, such as Jiangsu Net, attended the meeting.。


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