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Build a "Wall of Life" with Car Blocks, "China's Good Card Friends" Bravely Save 7 People

September 22, 2022

Recently,A piece of news about saving people by card friends has blown up the circle of card friends.。This is about the card friend Yang Guangyin during the Luding earthquake.,The story of saving seven people by blocking rocks with a car,A time of crisis reveals.“Ordinary hero”The responsibility of。

Screenshot of CCTV News Report

Review of events

September 5, 2022 at noon,Yang Guangyin, as usual.,Driving a China Heavy Truck Shandeka Tractor loaded with bulk cement to Lushi Expressway in Ya'an ShimianTJCement unloading at the designated place of No.3 Station of Bid 7。

12:52,Sichuan Luding Sudden 6.Magnitude 8 earthquake!

“Rumble、Rumble……”Yang Guangyin suddenly felt that the Vehicle was bumpy.,As soon as I looked up, I saw the rubble rolling down the roadside cliff.,He realized in an instant.——There was an earthquake!

Just about to drive away.,He suddenly saw a group of construction workers beside the barrier where the rubble rolled down.,By instinct and subconscious reaction,He slammed on the accelerator.,Quickly park the car next to the construction workers.,Use the car body to block the rockfall between the mountain and the construction workers.,Build a barrier with the car body.“The wall”。

Just as he stopped the car.,A boulder rolled down the left side of the mountain.,Hit the roof of the car,Yang Guangyin's left arm was also hit.,He resisted the sharp pain,Jump out of the cockpit immediately.,Shouted to the workers at the edge of the fort.“Run, everybody,Run to the flat ground.”。In a few seconds.,Large area of mountain collapse,Vehicles were also smashed beyond recognition by falling rocks.。Of the eight roadside workers,,Except for one person who was buried far away from the barrier.,The remaining seven workers all escaped safely.。

Brave people are responsible,Righteousness is extraordinary

Yang Guangyin,Male,He is 40 years old this year.,He lives in Wancao Village, Gaoqiao Town, Emeishan City.,Father died of illness.,At present, there is an elderly mother and a daughter who has graduated from a vocational high school and is waiting for an internship.,He is down-to-earth and willing to work,He is currently the leader of Group 4 of Wancao Village, Gaoqiao Town, Emeishan City.。The day of the rescue,He was driving a Sinotruk Shandeka 6.*4 Gas Tractor

He talked about the scene of rescuing people on September 5.,Yang Guangyin recalled:“I didn't think so much at that time.,I just want to park my car there.,It'll keep them from falling rubble for a while.,It'll buy them a few seconds to get away.,The car is damaged,You can buy it again.,But man's life is greater than heaven.!”

Liu Gang, a road repair worker at the scene, said.,“At that time, I saw flying rocks falling from the mountain.,Fortunately, Master Yang blocked the car on the roadside.,Bought us time to escape.,Or we'll all be buried under it today.,Thank you very much, Master Yang.,He is our savior.!”

Even though the cement Truck was smashed.,Yang Guangyin's left arm and head were also injured.,Recall the scene of falling rocks in the mountains.“Shocking”,But he said“I believe every driver will block it when he sees this situation.”。Talking about saving people this time.,Yang Guangyin said“I just did a trivial thing.,It's not something to show off.”。Yang Guangyin, 40, is a card friend.,With his instinct to save people, he accomplished an extraordinary act of righteousness.,Demonstrated with practical actions“Ordinary hero”The responsibility of!We wish Yang Guangyin a speedy recovery.,I also wish good people a safe life.。

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