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Latin American countries strive to promote infrastructure construction

September 21, 2022

At present,Latin American countries are increasingly paying attention to and continuously expanding investment in infrastructure construction.,Push the economy back on track。Experts said,Latin American countries urgently need high-quality infrastructure and advanced technology.,In order to improve logistics efficiency.,Promote foreign trade。China's infrastructure investment and technological experience continue to bring development dividends to Latin American countries.。

According to a recent report by the Inter-American Development Bank,,Investment in infrastructure construction in most countries in Latin America is obviously insufficient.,The public health crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed the problem of lagging regional infrastructure.,Countries in the region urgently need to introduce more capital and technology.,Promote public health、Traffic、Energy、Improvement and upgrading of telecommunications and other infrastructure。The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean has repeatedly urged Latin American countries,Each year, 6% of the country's gross domestic product should be%For infrastructure investment,Try to bridge the gap。

Promoting infrastructure upgrading is of great significance.

The last 20 years,Latin America has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development.。However,According to the assessment of several international agencies,,The overall infrastructure in Latin America is old and lagging behind.,Become an obstacle to sustainable economic growth。The data shows,Limited infrastructure investment in Latin American countries,The funding gap is about 2% of the region's combined gross domestic product.5%,That is $150 billion a year.。

In recent years,Latin American countries are trying to alleviate the shortage of public finance budget.,Reduce public construction expenditure year by year,Decline in the proportion of infrastructure investment。William, Lead Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank·Maloney analysis,Since 1980,The share of infrastructure investment in the total economy of Latin America has dropped by 2 percent/3,It is imperative to mobilize public and private sector efforts.,Inject more capital and vitality into infrastructure。

Eric, Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank·Parrado said,Promoting infrastructure upgrading is of great significance to the sustainable economic and social development of Latin America.。Based on an analysis by the Inter-American Development Bank,The upgrading of infrastructure can enhance regional connectivity.,Promoting Economic Integration in Latin America,Unlocking the growth potential of all countries。Moody's, an international rating agency, recently released a report that,Latin America's efforts to improve the level of regional infrastructure will accelerate the recovery of tourism and other industries.,Expanding infrastructure investment will be one of the key factors to promote economic recovery after the epidemic.。

According to the Inter-American Development Bank,Latin American countries need to gradually increase the level of infrastructure investment.,At least another 3% of the region's annual gross domestic product is needed..12%For maintenance and expansion of infrastructure,Only in this way can we plug the gap in infrastructure investment.。If investment can reach the level of OECD developed economies,,Productivity in Latin American economies could rise 75 percent%,Regional per capita income is likely to double from what was expected.。

Many countries have studied incentive policies.

At present, most of the infrastructure projects in Latin American countries adopt the public-private partnership model.,Attract local private capital and foreign capital,But the investment rate is relatively low.。Many countries in the region are facing many unfavorable factors at home and abroad to improve the level of relevant input.,Including higher credit rates.、Reduced capital inflows and tighter fiscal policy。Experts believe that,Countries in the region need to adjust financial and fiscal policies in a timely manner.,Introduce more incentives to promote infrastructure development。

Since the 1990s.,Panama has tried to promote the public-private partnership model to expand infrastructure investment.,In recent years, the relevant laws of the public-private partnership model have been continuously improved.。Martinez, a Panamanian legal expert, believes,The continuous improvement of legal provisions helps to promote the standardization of investment.,Enhance investment transparency,For attracting investment、Promoting employment and social development is of great significance.。

At the World Economic Forum in January this year,“Outlook for Latin America”At the meeting,The Latin American leaders attending the meeting all expressed their desire to attract foreign investment.、Willingness to expand infrastructure investment。However,Most countries in the region are constrained by fiscal capacity.,Difficult to complete independently with large investment、Infrastructure projects with slow returns。

According to《2010—Peru's National Development Strategic Plan 2021》,Peru's large-scale infrastructure projects will also adopt the public-private partnership model.,Determine the project construction operator through franchise bidding。Take port infrastructure as an example.,According to the National Port Authority of Peru,In the past 20 years, Peru's port government and social capital cooperation model has invested 17..$2.6 billion,9% investment in the port licensing and public works model.$1.9 billion,Infrastructure and facilities have been significantly improved,Reduce the time and cost of Peru's port logistics chain。

The Brazilian government recently launched“Build Brazil”Project,Provisions to further enhance the transparency of project information,Simplify the examination and approval procedures for various capital construction funds,Accelerate the process of obtaining the relevant permits,Create a more attractive infrastructure investment environment。

China-Latin America infrastructure cooperation is getting better

At present,Capital and technological experience from China are providing an important boost to the development of infrastructure in Latin America.。The data shows,Between 2005 and 2020,A total of 138 Chinese infrastructure projects have been put into use or under construction in the region.,The total amount of project funds exceeds 94 billion US dollars,Create more than 600,000 local jobs。

Chinese enterprises are becoming more and more involved in the field of infrastructure in Latin America.,The scale of cooperation has been expanding.,The project covers a wide range of areas,And relate to communication、Logistics、Transportation、Agriculture、Energy、Electricity、Housing and urban construction and other fields。At present,Latin America has become the second largest destination for China's overseas investment and the third largest market for foreign contracted projects.。

In Argentina,Chinese Company Helps Renovate Belgrano's Old Freight Rail System,Argentine agricultural products are transported to the port by rail.,Lower logistics costs,It has a price advantage in international trade.;China Railway 12th Bureau Group Co., Ltd. undertook the expansion highway project from Huanuco to Huayanco in Peru,The total length of the highway is 237 kilometers.,It is the main gateway to the outside world in the Andes.,After completion, it will be connected with the Pan-American Highway.,It will benefit 270000 people in 243 cities and towns along the line.;Chinese enterprises also built the first subway for Bogota, the capital of Colombia.……

Through the China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation Forum、China—Latin American Entrepreneurs Summit、Latin America China Investors Forum and other multilateral exchange platforms and mechanisms,China and Latin America continue to explore new areas of infrastructure cooperation、New ideas,Increase new energy in Latin America、Rail Transit、Support for new infrastructure areas such as communications,Construct a new pattern of combining traditional infrastructure with new infrastructure。

Enrique, Director of the Center for Chinese and Mexican Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico·Dussel said,In recent years,Argentina、Brazil、Chile、Mexico and other countries are gradually becoming the main force of infrastructure cooperation between Latin America and China.。In addition,More and more Chinese private enterprises are also actively involved in infrastructure projects in Latin America.。China's investment and technology have injected tremendous vitality into local infrastructure development.。

Sampaio, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Brazil, said.,China is Brazil's most important partner.,Bilateral infrastructure cooperation has a good foundation.、Strong complementarity。Pakistan is formulating a new post-epidemic infrastructure plan and investment policy.,Hope to attract more Chinese enterprises to actively participate in the construction of key projects of local logistics system。《 People's Daily 》( Version 17, September 19, 2022)

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