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Industry Winter Meets Price War, How to Break the First Auto

September 07, 2022

The overall economic environment is not optimistic、The transportation environment is harsh,Semi-trailer industry ushered in an unprecedented low period.,Sales also hit a new low.。Some semi-trailer companies seize market share in the trough period.,Not hesitate to reduce the price many times,Set off a wave in the industry“A bloody storm”Price war。

Price reduction in the cold winter market can promote market expansion as soon as possible.,Receive profits in a short time,However, the long-term use of this method can easily lead enterprises into a vicious circle.。But the environment is already like this.,Where should semi-trailer enterprises go?,Shandong Shouda Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter referred to as Shouda Automobile)Gave us the answer.。

Do a good job of quality products

“The price war is getting worse,Many manufacturers have begun to cut prices without a bottom line.,Quality problems are also more prominent.。I always thought,No matter where the market goes,Quality should always come first.。”Gao Feng, chairman of Shouda Automobile, said.。

In the last five years,,Under the leadership of Gao Feng,The talent echelon of the first 30 automobiles digs deep into products.,Determined to make the product refined and thorough。Shouda Automobile has overcome many difficulties.,Continuous optimization and upgrading of products,Design、Craft、Equipment has also been pushed to new heights.。

Take Shouda New National Standard as an example.,Three generations of product quality research and development,It has also been verified by the quality of Dream-seeking China.,Load different goods.、Driving in different road conditions,Challenge Nu River 72 turns、27 km long downhill of Kunmo Expressway、Qinghai-Tibet Railway and other extreme road conditions in China。

“At present, the industry is at a low ebb.,The freight is low、Oil prices are high,It's not easy for card friends to make money。In order to give back to the card friends,Shouda Auto Provides Preferential Subsidies for Card Friends,Price reduction does not degrade quality,Tailor-made for card friends,Provide the most assured quality。”Gao Feng, chairman of Shouda Automobile, said.。

Do a good job of after-sales service

“The semi-trailer industry is transiting from the original extensive to refined.,The lack of service is becoming more and more obvious.。Especially in the current market downturn.,Improving service has become an indispensable part of the transformation process of semi-trailer industry.。“The director of Shouda Automobile After-sales Service Department revealed.。

In order to provide more convenient service for card friends.,The first car was opened“Online+Offline”Dual channel。Shouda Automobile Telephone Service Hotline 24 hours a day guard,Do it“Zero delay in service”;Quick hand、Live broadcasting platforms such as Tik Tok are open regularly.,Explain product knowledge,Real-time interactive solution to card friends' questions。One-to-one professional service for offline reception,At the same time, it is equipped with a special customer lounge.,Provide catering and rest services for customers。

The management of after-sales service team can not be ignored.,Shouda Automobile regularly carries out staff service training and assessment.,Staff adhere to the principle of service with a smile。At the same time, Shouda Automobile has service stations and maintenance outlets all over the provinces and cities.,It plans to expand the number of after-sales points to 500 nationwide by 2025.。


Strive for differentiation and do a good job of characteristics

“Many manufacturers cut prices maliciously.,The reason is largely based on the serious homogenization of the semi-trailer industry.。If we want to stand firm in this war without smoke of gunpowder,,After all, we must make our own characteristics.。”Shouda automobile technicians revealed.。

Shouda Automobile pioneered the design of Truck/ 'target='_blank' style='color:blue;'>Forklift Truck,Penetration beam with gusset plate,The gusset plate is used for supporting,And solve that problem of rolling the bottom plate of the Truck/ 'target='_blank' style='color:blue;'>Forklift Truck on the lightweight trail.、The problem of beam cracking。

In addition to the forklift design,The rear end beam of Shouda Low Flat Plate also adopts unique design.。When loading and unloading large equipment on the low flat plate,The rear end beam is laborious.,Most prone to deformation、The problem of fracture。Upper Excavator design is adopted for Shouda low slab,The rear end beam is made of super-high load-bearing square tube.,Can climb straight 260、320 Excavator,The rear end beam is stable without deformation。

Design like this.,It is quite common in Shouda Automobile.。As Gao Feng, chairman of Shouda Automobile, said.,“In the semi-trailer industry,Do what others can't think of.,It's called success。”

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