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Fangyuan: Hold the Cornerstone of Stable Development of "One Row of Bottom Line"

August 31, 2022

Safety Production,It is the premise and foundation for the smooth progress of the work of the enterprise.,It is the enterprise that creates benefits.、The fundamental guarantee for development。As the development and production of construction machinery.、Construction Machinery、Traffic Machinery、Building Materials Machinery、Manufacturing enterprises mainly engaged in Piling Machinery——Fangyuan Group,Attaching great importance to safety production management from beginning to end,Take this work as the development of enterprises.“Lifeblood”Always make unremitting efforts,And give full play to political advantages.,Ideological and political work should be infiltrated into all aspects of safety production management.,It effectively solves the hidden danger of ideological insecurity.,Safety work has been done.“Management”The article.,Tamp the foundation,Build a strong line of defense。

One.、Grasp the breakthrough point of safety production work,Perfecting the system
Fangyuan Group insists“Be strict with the root cause,Basic Win,Prevent trouble before it happens,Eliminate hidden dangers”The working principle of,Increase the assurance of safety to“Talk about politics”The height of,Strengthen the sense of responsibility of leading cadres at all levels、Sense of urgency and crisis。The group has set up a group headed by the general manager.“Safety Production Management Team”,Each branch factory、The principal person in charge of the company is also a member of the team.,Each workshop、Part-time administrator shall be set for each team,Formed from top to bottom.“Three-level management network”,A good situation of joint management has been built.,I did it.“Hierarchical Management、Branch line is responsible for”,Safety Management“Longitudinal to the end、Transverse to side”,Responsibility to the individual。The safety production management team shall organize a special meeting once a month.,Work objectives and work plans for the deployment and implementation phase,Formulate corresponding rules and regulations and assessment standards,And implement it step by step in strict accordance with the plan.,Organize strict inspection according to standards,Ensure that the management of production safety is thorough and solid、Carry out systematically and effectively。The group has also set up an independent production unit.“Thousand-point assessment team”,It is specially responsible for production supervision with safety production as the core content.,Assess once a month,The assessment results are directly related to the branch factory.、Workshop、Linked to individual bonuses,Reward the good and punish the bad,Real reward and real punishment,Make safe production management and economic development、The comprehensive management of the group is closely integrated.,So as to construct safe work.“Layers of people asked.,There are people catching at all levels.,There are people in charge at all levels.”Good Pattern。Living quarters for employees of the group,Every residential building、Part-time security wardens have been established in each residential unit,Be responsible for the building area、Safety supervision and inspection of the unit,Extend the security management network to every household。

In addition,In the safety management work,The group boldly delegates power to employees.,Give workers the right to know about production safety、Right to education and training、Participate in safety management right、Supervision power of safety production、Rectification right of accident hidden danger、Right to stop work in unsafe condition、Resist illegal command、Right of emergency avoidance、Reflect the right to report、10 rights such as the right to reward and punish for safety,The system of one-vote veto responsibility for safety has been implemented.,Effectively contained“Three violations”Phenomenon,The group has signed a certificate of responsibility for production safety with each employee.,Stimulate and mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to participate in the management of the group, especially in safety production management.、Initiative and creativity。

Two.、Grasp the Key Points of Safety Production,Education First
Fangyuan Group insists on doing ideological and political work well,Do a good job in safety publicity and education,Strengthen staff and workers“Safety First”Ideas and concepts.,Turn safety production into the conscious behavior of workers。Proposed by the Group“Unsafe production is a crime.”、“Safety for production、Production must be safe.”Educational requirements.,It is hung in the factory area with eye-catching banners.,Educate cadres and workers to establish correct safety awareness。New employees enter the factory,Safety education is the first lesson of staff training,The Security Office shall organize the training of safety knowledge and technical skills.,Build a solid ideological foundation。The group makes full use of the staff meeting、Situation and task report meeting、Staff Symposium、Party and League branches in the form of three sessions and one lesson,Talk about the situation to the broad masses of workers、Talk about tasks.、Talk about the overall situation,Strive to create an atmosphere of public opinion for safe production。Use the blackboard newspaper at the same time.、Propaganda Board、《Fang yuan Bao》、《Fangyuan Monthly》、“Fangyuan TV”、“Voice of Fangyuan”Broadcast、Wall newspaper and other propaganda tools,Advocate safety culture,Carry out long-term and in-depth publicity activities on production safety,Emphasizing the concept of human security、Safety awareness and safety behavior,Emphasis on caring for people、Love People、Respect people.,Pay attention to“Cherish life.,Enjoy life.”,Form a civilized enterprise fashion that protects people's physical and mental safety and health and a safety culture atmosphere in which everyone consciously abides by safety regulations.。Play audio-visual films regularly、Feature Film,Order for employees《Safety Production Manual》、《General knowledge of safe production》、《Post operation specification》Wait for books.,Cultivate workers' consciousness of safe production。Since this year,The Group has published more than 10 bulletins reflecting the contents of safety production.,Compile more than 40 issues of blackboard newspaper,More than 120 safety production slogans were posted.,Play the video、15 feature films,Good educational results have been achieved.,Inspire the staff to remember:Safety accompanies the whole process of production activities,As long as there are production activities, accidents should be prevented from time to time.。Make the staff and workers gradually establish five concepts:First, safety is benefit.、It's politics.、It's the idea of welfare.;Second, the human factor is the first and the key lies in the concept of prevention.;Third, the concept that safety work is a dynamic and complex process.;Fourth, safety work must always be emphasized.、The concept of grasping safety work every day and no trivial matter;Fifth, safety work is a joint management.、The concept of systems engineering in which everyone participates。So that“Safety First、Prevention-oriented”Their thoughts are imperceptibly influenced in the minds of the workers.。The group is engaged in sales outside all the year round.、There are more than 600 installation service personnel.,No matter where people go.,Where does safety publicity and education follow?,Actively spread and radiate to the society,Have produced extremely good social benefits.。

Since this year,Surround《Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety》,The group quickly organized special training and education activities.,Publicize to all employees of the Group、Ducation,Hierarchical、Classification、Carry out a series of lectures in stages,Invite relevant personnel from relevant departments to host the training、Serve as a training teacher,Carry out education on traffic safety laws and regulations for employees of the Group in stages and batches。Develop in a down-to-earth manner“Ankang Cup”Knowledge contest activities,Participation of all employees of the Group,More than 8500 copies of contest questions were distributed.,12 safety knowledge contests were held,To enable employees to understand the connotation of post safety from a deeper level,Really realize.“Safety—Enterprise Life”The profound connotation of。Since this year,Formulated《Assessment Methods for Work Safety Management of Fangyuan Group》,Organized and carried out in combination with superior departments“Major Inspection、Strict Governance、Strict monitoring”Activity,The group organizes special inspection,Focus on increasing the production workshop、Warehouse、Inspection of special parts such as freight yard and dangerous chemicals,Increase the binding force of compliance with rules and regulations。In addition,To reduce minor accidents.、Eliminate major accidents as the goal,Attack on all fronts、Joint prevention as an opportunity,Centralized organizational learning《Safety Production Law》《Regulations on Work Safety Licenses》《Road Traffic Law》《Regulations of Shandong Province on Work Safety》,Make the broad masses of workers from“I want to be safe.”Xiang“I want to be safe.”A change of concept,Learn and abide by the law to ensure safety。

In addition,Group development“Safety education enters thousands of families”Educational Activities,All kinds of safety knowledge are printed and distributed to each household in the form of examination papers.,Each member of the family participates in answering questions.,The group unifies the organization of review.,Publish the examination results,For families who fail to pass the examination,Conduct classification guidance,Centralized and intensive training,Ensure training effectiveness,Safety awareness is engraved in the minds of every employee.。

The group has also established a file of hazard sources.,Drafted the safety of important equipment and facilities and public places within the company.、Fire emergency plan,Ensure that safety work is effectively monitored,It effectively ensures the high efficiency of all work.、Carry out smoothly。

III.、Grasp the combination point of safety production work,Focus on implementation
Management,Emphasis on implementation。Fangyuan Group insists on putting a series of measures and methods of safety work into practice,To check violations of rules and regulations and eliminate hidden dangers of accidents.,Fundamentally change the illegal command.、Operation against rules and regulations、Violation of labor discipline,Prevent any unsafe accidents.。The workshop team is the most basic production unit of the group.,It is the cell of the organic whole of the enterprise.,It is the foothold of doing a good job in safety work.。In the safety management work,The group has made great efforts to grasp the workshop.、Team construction,Improve the overall quality,Keep vigorous and vigorous,Accomplish production target,Elimination of production accidents。For this purpose,In the production workshop、Departments carry out“Sanbiao”、“San Wu”Construct,Requires a standardized site、Standardized operation、Standardized teams and groups for safety management,Achieve personal non-violation、No hidden danger in the post、Accident-free purpose of the team。Standardized Site:The objects are placed neatly and normatively.,Clean and tidy,Containment and elimination of risk factors;Standardized Operation:Standardize the production behavior in production activities with work standards,It mainly controls the personal behavior of employees.;Standardized workshop team:Control group behavior,Realize the production safety of workshop team,In order to stimulate the whole group to focus on safety.。

Management is the foundation,Inspection is the key.,Safety inspection is an important measure to ensure safe production.。Group Regulation,Each department shall arrange and inspect the safety work every week.,To discover and eliminate hidden dangers of accidents.,Prevent trouble before it happens.。Do what has been found“San Ding”、“Three inaccuracies”:Determine the specific person in charge,Set a time for rectification,Work out corrective measures;Any problem that you can solve by yourself.,The team is not allowed to push to the workshop.,The workshop is not allowed to be pushed to the branch factory,The branch factory is not allowed to be pushed to the group。In addition to the Group's routine safety inspections,,He also sent people to the workshop for secret inspection from time to time.,Pass the secret inspection,Understand whether the workshop team has implemented the safety requirements and relevant regulations of the group and the department to the employees.;Pass the secret inspection,Further verify whether the department has fixed the responsibility for the hidden dangers checked.,Make rectification at a fixed time;Pass the secret inspection,Some habitual violations will also be corrected on the spot.,Expose some dangerous behaviors that can lead to accidents;Pass the secret inspection,Yeah, don't study hard.,Just shout slogans.,Report and criticize the formalistic style that does not grasp the reality.,For non-compliance with the company's management system、Injury caused by accidents due to illegal operation,Causing losses to the company and individuals,Implement a one-vote veto,With“Four don't let go”Deal with the principle of。Since this year,The group organized 65 inspections of various forms.,Highlighting the inspection of the implementation of the safety responsibility system of various departments、Operating procedures for operators of special types of work and operating conditions of equipment with greater danger,A total of 13 hidden dangers of unsafe accidents were investigated and dealt with,All responsibilities are assigned to people.,Instruct relevant units to rectify within a time limit。Due to the strict system、Hard Measures、Reward and punish fairly,It effectively ensures the normal and smooth progress of production.,Create a good internal and external environment for the development of enterprises,Play a positive role、A powerful driving force。

In addition,The Group focuses on the long term,Committed to training a comprehensive workforce,Through the improvement of the technical level of the staff,Prevent trouble before it happens。Take pre-job training、Job Training、Send out to learn、Please come in to teach and other ways to strengthen staff training.,Improve the technical skills of employees,And the safety operation procedure、Safety production knowledge is included in the training scope as an important content.。After the training,Organize strict assessment,Work with certificate。

Duo“Tube”Pay attention to safety together,Safe production promotes development。Fangyuan Group in December 2003,Passed the quality smoothly.、Environment、Employee occupational health three-system integration certification;Through the installation of lifting machinery、Review of Safety Approval Certificate of Maintenance Unit,And get the installation、Maintenance qualification certificate;It has passed the evaluation and appraisal of the basic work of safety production management.,The group was rated as“First-level unit of safety production management”,By Yantai Federation of Trade Unions、Jointly awarded by Yantai Administration of Work Safety“Yantai City‘Ankang Cup’Competition Winners”And other honorary titles.,Effective development of safety production management,Escort the work of the group,Create a good internal and external environment for the development of enterprises,Play a positive role、A powerful stimulus.,Strong promotion of the Group's sustainability、Healthy Development,To contribute to society、Serve the motherland and make positive contributions.。

Author::Wang Xinjun Unit:Publicity Department of Fangyuan Group
Postcode:265100 Telephone:(0535)3298411 13905453176
Mailing Address:Fangyuan Industrial Park, Haiyang City, Shandong Province

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