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The key west-east power transmission projects resumed work in an orderly manner

July 23, 2020

The reporter learned from the headquarters of the southern power grid that under the premise of taking strict epidemic prevention measures, the west-to-east power transmission project. & ndash; Wudong power station power transmission guangdong guangxi uhv multi-terminal dc demonstration project (hereinafter referred to as ldquo; Kunliulong dc project ”) Section 16 of the line has officially resumed work on the 12th.

It is understood that China southern power grid company has implemented the central and territorial requirements for epidemic prevention and control, made scientific arrangements for new investment projects and projects under construction, allocated resources in priority, and organized and accelerated the construction of key projects. As of Thursday, a total of 27 projects, including the kunliulong dc project, had been restarted.

According to the plan, the kunliulong dc project will have a power supply capacity between yunnan and guangdong by the end of August this year, and will be fully put into operation next year. The project will deliver 8 million kilowatts of clean hydropower from yunnan to the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area and guangxi, reducing coal consumption by 5.75 million tons and carbon dioxide emissions by 15.31 million tons annually in the greater bay area. The project has been completed 80% of the time.

& other; During the Spring Festival, our tower installation team responsible for the section of more than 50 people all stay in the local, with the conditions for rapid resumption of work. Throughout the &; In the township on the construction site, southern power grid ehv company east wuzhou branch deputy director Li Murong department, before start working, they have made a block as required by the company to return to work plan, include in the number of workers, source, home, health and epidemic prevention measures and content such as configuration items, and in accordance with the requirements for the local government to handle the relevant formalities of return to work.

In the construction site of the bid section, temperature measuring instrument, protective masks, medical alcohol, disinfectant and other anti-epidemic materials are all available, and special personnel are responsible for disinfection and sterilization, and temperature of all personnel on site is measured every morning and evening.

Another key transmission project of west-east power transmission — & ndash; Yunnan-guizhou interconnection channel project of the high slope converter station renovation project also officially resumed work on the 13th. More than 30 construction workers on the site all wear masks, after temperature monitoring, information registration and a series of ldquo; Prescriptive action ” After that, the ac field cable is laid and the cable trench bracket is installed. & other; One party member is assigned every day to supervise the epidemic prevention measures and ensure the implementation. Throughout the &; Southern grid ultra high voltage company guiyang bureau infrastructure department director zhao jun told reporters.

As a key project kunduz China send LiuLong yunnan-guizhou interconnection project construction unit, dc engineering, southern power grid ehv company in to do a good job of disease prevention and control under the premise of active docking with the local government, to carry out the specific requirements for the return to work and production, considering each bid schedule of project construction, personnel, equipment, instruments and transportation and other related factors, scientific and orderly organization to promote the project to return to work, the synchronization of the coping new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak work plan, detailed the 25 items specific measures, to ensure the epidemic prevention and control and synchronous propulsion engineering construction.

The person in charge of the infrastructure department of China southern power grid uhv company said that in order to ensure the construction progress of kunliulong dc project, further optimize the construction organization, timely adjust the power outage span, make the work arrangement of personnel, machinery, materials, working procedures and so on after the resumption of work in advance, and increase resource input for key construction and critical path. The yunnan-guizhou interconnection channel project has also taken similar measures, including increasing the construction force, optimizing the commissioning project, speeding up the commissioning progress, etc., to ensure that the three terminals of luquan, gaobo and zhaoqing are put into operation by the end of June. Strive to complete the construction tasks of the two projects according to the original production plan.

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