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Guangdong province promotes enterprises and major engineering construction projects to resume production

July 23, 2020

February 16, the governor of appl. Math. Mech. Vol.11 chaired a province to promote enterprise to return to work and production work and major construction projects of general command of the second plenary meeting, in-depth study and implement general secretary xi important speech and the important indicator spirit, earnestly implement the CPC Central Committee and the State Council decision deployment, in accordance with requirements of the provincial party committee work, study deployment plan as a whole to promote disease prevention and control and return to work and production enterprises and key projects construction work.

The meeting stressed that all provinces and departments should fully understand and grasp the important instructions and requirements of general secretary xi jinping on the coordinated prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, and fully support and organize the resumption of production of various production enterprises on the premise of good prevention and control work. In accordance with the principle of scientific prevention and control and precise measures, measures for epidemic prevention and control and economic activities in different regions shall be formulated in accordance with the arrangements for prevention and control in different regions at different levels, and measures shall be resolutely lifted to prevent and control epidemics beyond all unreasonable restrictions necessary for epidemic prevention. With a good & other; Support enterprises to resume production and production 20; We will guide migrant workers to return to guangdong in an orderly manner, facilitate logistics and transportation, improve financial and other support policies, and strive to create favorable conditions for enterprises to resume production in terms of employment, raw materials, capital and epidemic prevention materials.

The meeting stressed that key projects play an important role in stabilizing investment and promoting growth, and that local governments and departments should make it an important task to resume production of key projects and boost effective investment through multiple channels to provide solid support for steady economic growth. We should strengthen the guarantee and service of resources and accelerate the resumption of projects under construction. Accelerate the advance work and project approval to ensure that new projects start as scheduled; In response to weaknesses in the prevention and control of the epidemic, we will promptly review and implement a number of new projects to strengthen areas of weakness.

The meeting stressed the need to focus on specific areas of focus, scientific and precise policies. We need to tap the potential of the market and do everything possible to expand consumption. We will support foreign trade enterprises in resuming production and speed up the implementation of major foreign-funded projects. We will work hard to prevent and control epidemics in rural areas and work hard to produce grain for the spring, resolutely win the battle against poverty, and make greater progress in rural revitalization. We will work hard to prevent and defuse major risks in the economic sector, keep a close eye on the target for economic growth for the year, and do our best to ensure steady and sound economic growth.

In order to better understand and grasp the outstanding difficulties and problems faced by enterprises in the resumption of production, ma xingrui made several in-depth investigations into local cities and enterprises, and held a forum for enterprises on February 15 to listen to the opinions and Suggestions of representatives of key enterprises. Appl. Math. Mech. Vol.11 fully affirmed the guangdong entrepreneurs about politics, the interests, have the courage to bear the social responsibility, made positive contributions to combat the disease, and encourage them to ensure well under the premise of epidemic prevention and control work, unswervingly promote return to work and production, at the same time requires government departments at all levels to strengthen overall coordination, at the same time in the scientific and precise order to do a good job of prevention and control in accordance with the law, strong and effective help enterprises solve the practical difficulties, to intensify support for the enterprise to return to work and production work.

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