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Newest: have what key project to resume again? Come in to see

July 10, 2020

In recent days, many ministries and commissions have made effective moves to stabilize growth. The Ministry of Transport issued a notice calling for prevention and control of the epidemic situation and speeding up the resumption of highway water transport projects. Except for Hubei Province and other areas with heavy epidemic prevention and control tasks, in principle, preparations should be made for resumption of work before February 15, 2020, and strive to 2 Work resumed before the 20th of the month. Promote key projects to start as soon as possible and speed up project approval. All localities should comprehensively advance the planned projects in accordance with the investment goals and tasks determined by the 2020 National Transportation Working Conference.

Weifang's key transportation projects resume work

The Weifang Municipal Transportation Bureau strictly follows the requirements for the resumption of production and the resumption of production of the enterprise. “Eight must” and “Four adherence” requirements. While continuing to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, we should act in a timely manner and make close deployments to include the construction sites under construction. The epidemic prevention and control work system strictly implements real-name system management, establishes personnel accounts, and ensures that the front-line epidemic prevention and control on construction sites is always under control. Fully promote the resumption of work on key projects such as high-speed rail, expressways, and Xiaoqinghe resumed navigation.


According to the latest project list issued by the Provincial Department of Communications in the afternoon of February 11, Weifang has Weifang Expressway Weifang Link, Weilai High-speed Rail, Xiaoqinghe Rehabilitation Project, Dalailong Expansion and Reconstruction Project, Qingzhou International Land Port, New 6 projects including the southeast outer ring road crossing the railway bridge. So far, except for the new southeast outer ring road cross-railway bridge project, the remaining 5 projects have been resumed. A total of 724 project management and construction personnel returned to work. Among them: the Weifang Link Weifang Expressway Project resumed on February 10, and the construction of subgrade structures is underway. As of February 11, 197 people returned to work and resumed work, including 99 managers and 98 construction workers. The Weilai high-speed rail project resumed work on February 10, and the construction of pile foundation works in the Changyi South Station area is underway. During the Spring Festival holiday, the project company always has 95 staff members. The Xiaoqinghe resumed navigation project resumed on February 11 and cofferdam construction is underway. As of February 11, 20 people returned to work. Dalailong's capacity expansion and reconstruction project resumed on February 10, and 344 people returned to work (return rate reached 86%), and work related to land requisition and demolition is being carried out; Qingzhou International Land Port Project resumed work on February 11, mainly At the end of storage facilities and testing of information systems, 68 people returned to work and resumed work. It is planned to actively carry out business operations such as increasing the function of grain ports and overseas merchandise sales while finishing the project.

Resumption of Yanqing Comprehensive Transportation Service Center Project

A few days ago, as one of the key projects of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, the Yanqing Integrated Transportation Service Center (Bus Detention Center) project was officially resumed. It is understood that the 83 construction projects that Yanqing District resumed in the first quarter according to plan will all start one after another. At the construction site of the Yanqing Comprehensive Transportation Service Center project, the first batch of 32 construction personnel entered the construction site and began the construction of the ground source heat pump. Six well-drilling machines are operating in an orderly manner to carry out the construction of ground source heat pump heat exchange wells, while some workers are simultaneously cleaning the site.

It is understood that the Yanqing Comprehensive Transportation Service Center project is undertaken by China Xinxing Construction Development Co., Ltd. The construction land area is 57,000 square meters and the total construction area is 120,000 square meters, including the bus parking building, bus maintenance workshop and maintenance and comprehensive security building. After the completion of the center, it will be able to accommodate the parking of the Beijing Olympic Bus Line, Olympic Buses and other Olympic related Vehicles in 2022. In the long run, it will assume the functions of parking and maintenance of buses within the Yanqing New City. The project is scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2021.

Beijing-Shanghai Reconstruction and Expansion of 13 East Jinan Transportation Projects in Jinan starts

On February 11, Qilu Transportation held "Decisive Battle 2020" to resolutely win the key project attack and mobilization meeting, which sounded the "Assembly Number" of the resumption of key projects. All engineering projects acted swiftly. While doing a good job of epidemic prevention and control, the overall rescheduling of the project was coordinated and scheduled, and the construction "fast forward button" was pressed.

Reconstruction and expansion of the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, the Xining Expressway, and the Greater East Ring Project, including 13 projects under construction, are strictly in accordance with the "Notice of the General Office of the Shandong Provincial People's Government on Accelerating the Resumption of Major Transportation Infrastructure Projects" Sequentially do a good job of the notice of resuming production and resuming production (No. 122) "and other superiors regarding the arrangement and deployment of work requirements, focusing on the annual task goals, in accordance with the" node first, partial first, full development "principle, and quickly formulate Work plan, according to local conditions, multi-party policy, multiple measures, temperature measurement, disinfection, shopping, running procedures, looking for teams, transporting machinery, and effectively achieve the epidemic prevention and control and engineering construction two lines, two hands, two Exactly. At present, more than 4,000 management and labor personnel of key projects have returned to their posts, and some of the projects under construction have begun prefabricated beams and slabs, prefabricated bridge slabs, erected slabs, filled roadbeds, and constructed bridges across railways.

Beginning of 12 key construction projects in Beijing Economic Development Zone

& ldquo; The management committee specially awarded 500,000 yuan to the construction site that started on time, helping the general conTractor unit to provide labor protection for the labor service company, and multi-party guidance to establish observation points for each project's residential area & hellip; & hellip; & rdquo; Recently, in Yizhuang, Beijing Zhou Fazhong, the head of the engineering management department of Yizhuang Shengyuan Company, counted the various safeguard measures provided by Beijing Economic Development Zone, which helped Yizhuang Shengyuan develop and construct 3 major construction projects.

While implementing various epidemic prevention and control measures, in order to promote the safe and orderly resumption of work and production in construction projects in the region, and to maintain stable economic operation, the Beijing Economic Development Zone has formulated a plan to encourage Party A to actively invest in construction and reward Party B ’s positive Resumption of work, covering material supply, personnel protection, observation point construction guidance, safety and epidemic prevention education, bidding coordination, etc. "All industrial chains" a variety of safeguards help construction projects resume work as soon as possible.

With the advancement of various safeguard measures, up to now, 12 key construction projects in the area have resumed. The Development and Construction Bureau of the Beijing Economic Development Zone has set up five grid investigation teams to carry out a new round of construction project epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work. Most construction projects will resume work before the end of the month.

The 8th construction project of the Chuxiong section of the central Yunnan water diversion project undertaken by the Kunming Company of the Eighth Railway Bureau of China Railway officially resumed

Recently, with the approval of the higher authority, the 8th construction project of the Chuxiong section of the central Yunnan water diversion project undertaken by the Kunming Company of the eighth bureau of the China Railway has officially resumed.

The Central Yunnan Water Diversion Project strictly complies with the requirements of the higher-level units and local governments for the resumption and resumption of production of the project and the overall deployment, and scientifically and reasonably formulated the resumption plan, the resumption plan, and the epidemic prevention work plan. The project department prepares materials for epidemic prevention in advance, clarifies the responsibilities for prevention and control, effectively integrates human and material resources, actively links local resources, rationally adjusts the implementation plan of the project, and comprehensively deploys all preparatory work for the resumption of work. With the strictest control measures and the strongest resource allocation, the project department has strengthened the health monitoring, assessment and management of personnel at the place where the new coronavirus infection occurred, and realized the "blocking, prevention, control" of pneumonia infected with coronavirus, It has achieved the goals of “outer plug input, internal non-proliferation”, and laid the foundation for the smooth resumption of the project.

It is reported that the water diversion project in central Yunnan belongs to the “Four One Hundred” construction project in Yunnan Province. According to the “Central Yunnan Water Diversion Project Construction Management Bureau on supporting the establishment of resumption of engineering” and “convenient access”, and do a good job in ensuring the relevant elements. According to the requirements of the Letter, the provincial party committee and the provincial government require that “the water diversion project in central Yunnan must play a leading role, and the staff of the participating units must return to their posts as soon as possible to achieve the first resumption of work.

Loudi city focuses on epidemic prevention and focus on key projects and resumes production of key projects

On February 12, Loudi City held a meeting to resume work on key projects of key projects in the city, emphasizing scientific prevention and control, focusing on epidemic prevention and control on one hand, and resuming production on key projects on the other, maintaining stable economic operation, and ensuring the completion of the annual economy. Social goals and tasks. At the meeting, the heads of relevant departments and counties, Loudi Economic Development Zone, and Wanbao New District reported on the resumption of construction of major projects and special bond projects of local governments. People's livelihood projects must be started, key projects and key projects should be started as soon as possible, and general projects should be started in an orderly manner. The central government supports local government special debt projects to form a physical workload, reverse the construction period, organize and promote the construction of the project, and resume full production and production as soon as possible. The key projects that are under construction will begin construction as soon as possible, and the early projects will be accelerated.

Tongren City provides protection for major livelihood projects

On February 12, the reporter learned from the Tongren Public Resource Trading Center that, while preventing and controlling the epidemic, the center is coordinating and advancing various work, and timely adopting methods such as suspending on-site transactions of bidding projects and opening online processing, etc., to effectively conduct bidding activities. Research and deployment center resumed work and resumed work, provided protection for epidemic-related projects and provided protection for major livelihood projects.

Hunan: Engineering construction projects & ldquo; Do not meet approval & rdquo;

Recently learned from the Hunan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, while seizing the epidemic prevention and control, the department will ensure that the construction project is realized before the end of February according to the progress of the reform of the approval system of construction projects in the province. "One Netcom Office" & ldquo; Meet and approve & rdquo; to help the project start.

According to the deployment arrangements, the project construction units should be organized in various places to obtain work guidelines from the "Hunan Provincial Engineering Construction Project Approval Management System" (hereinafter referred to as the "Approval System"), and conduct project consultation, online application, and scan to upload application materials 2. Obtain documents of approval results. During non-special situations during epidemic prevention and control, it is recommended that project units avoid going to the physical window to handle engineering construction projects and effectively reduce the number of face-to-face transactions.

The Hunan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development requires that comprehensive online parallel examination and approval and supervision be completed. Approving personnel stationed in the “approval system” at all levels should strengthen the implementation of their responsibilities, and keep track of and deal with the issues of inquiry feedback and application approvals pushed by the system at any time. It is necessary to make full use of the "approval system" for online receipt, parallel approval, and online submission. Materials that do need to retain paper files can be submitted by mail, appointment, etc.

The national livelihood projects of a number of key projects resumed construction

In recent days, a number of key projects and people's livelihood projects across the country have been focusing on protection and production, further scientifically preventing and controlling epidemics, and starting work again.

In the longest tunnel of the China-Laos Railway & mdash; & mdash; stability tunnel, the machine roared and welds splashed. Construction workers are digging the rock. The length of the Anding Tunnel is 17.5 kilometers. At present, there are 6800 meters of remaining holes in the Anding Tunnel. 21 working faces are accelerating construction. The China-Laos Railway is an important infrastructure linking China and Laos. After completion, the time from Kunming to Vientiane, Laos will be greatly shortened to better serve the "Belt and Road" construction.

The Shanghai-Tongguan Railway under construction is an important part of the "long-long and eight-horizontal" high-speed railway corridor in China's "Medium- and Long-Term Railway Network Planning." After opening to traffic, the running time of trains between Shanghai Nantong and Shanghai Nantong will be shortened from more than 7 hours to more than 2 hours. The Hutong Railway will link with Ningqi Railway, Yantong Railway, Lianyan Railway, Qinglian Railway, Qingyanwei The docking of railways, etc., has established a large coastal railway channel in China. At the construction site of the entire line of control engineering & Shanghai-Tongjiang railway dual-use bridge, from the Spring Festival to the present, nearly 100 construction workers of the Shanghai Railway Yangtze River Bridge Project Department of the China Railway Bridge Bureau have been busy supporting bridge deck expansion joints, roads and railways. Construction of bridge deck cleaning and steel structure manufacturing.

In Beijing, the construction of the Beijing-Shenzhen high-speed rail Beijing starting station Xinghuo Station has not stopped during the Spring Festival. At present, all the main concrete structures of the station building and rain canopy are basically completed. After the completion of the Spark Station by the end of 2020, the Beijing-Shenzhen high-speed railway will be fully connected. Yesterday (February 12), Shandong Province ’s major project to promote the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, over 100 billion yuan project, Shandong Heavy Industry Jinan Laiwu Green Intelligent Manufacturing City, officially started construction.

Zhou Changjin, General Manager of China Railway 14th Bureau Group: Now there are more than 200 construction equipments and more than 200 people on the construction site. In the next step, we will focus on production, quality assurance, and quality in accordance with the progress of the construction organization, and fully complete the construction of key projects. .

In China Railway Construction Heavy Industry Group Changsha First Industrial Park, a Shield Machine exported to Turkey has been packed, workers are loading cars, and the equipment is about to be shipped to Turkey to participate in the local tunnel Construction.

At the China Railway Equipment Zhengzhou Assembly Base, shield equipment exported to Australia, Poland and Paris is being assembled quickly.

Qingdao key projects and livelihood protection projects strive to resume work within one week

In the morning of February 13th, Qingdao Construction Industry Association issued a proposal letter to all construction enterprises and member units in the city on accelerating the resumption of projects to ensure economic and social development, and advocated that the majority of construction enterprises should take immediate action to coordinate planning, scientific arrangements, and make every effort. Organize construction sites to resume construction. Provincial and municipal key engineering projects and people's livelihood security projects strive to resume work within one week, and other types of engineering projects strive to resume work in full or in part before February 24 (the second day of the second day of the lunar calendar).


The first resumption project of Hangzhou Traffic Engineering was approved! Reconstruction of Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway will resume

On February 12, the Hangzhou Section of the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway Reconstruction Project (Qiaosi Toll Station to the Qiantang River New Bridge Section) TJ01 of the civil construction held a resumption evaluation meeting yesterday afternoon. The meeting agreed to the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo reconstruction project Civil works in the northern section of the 1st bid resumed. It is reported that this is the first batch of Hangzhou traffic projects approved to resume work.

The reconstruction project of the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway is an important transportation infrastructure project supporting the Asian Games. It is of great significance to promote the construction of the Greater Bay Area and Metropolitan Area of ​​Zhejiang Province and the development of Hangzhou.

It is reported that there are currently 148 traffic projects under construction in the city (including 139 highway projects and 9 water transport projects), of which 31 are under construction supervised by the Hangzhou municipal transportation department (including 17 highway projects and 14 water transport projects).

Mianyang's first major urban construction project resumed

On February 11, at the construction site of the Mianyang Tangxun Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion project, multiple engineering Vehicles such as Excavators and dump Trucks shuttled back and forth, more than 50 project builders wearing masks were busy, and the site was surrounded by epidemic prevention and control slogan.

This is the first urban construction project in Mianyang to resume work after the new crown pneumonia epidemic. What preparations need to be completed for resuming work and what conditions are met, the two "Notices" issued by the Mianyang Municipal Housing and Construction Committee provide relevant standards.

Five types of construction projects are allowed to resume work

The Mianyang Municipal Housing and Construction Committee issued the "Emergency Notice on Preventing, Controlling, Reporting, and Examining New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Situation Before and After the Construction Site Resumes" (hereinafter referred to as "Emergency Notice") and "About Orderly Recovery" The Notice on Production and Construction in the Construction Industry (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") specifies nine conditions that must be met for resuming construction sites and five types of construction projects that can be resumed.

Among them, orderly restoration and production of construction projects can be covered, including key provincial and municipal engineering projects; environmental protection, shed reform, hospitals, schools and other people's livelihood projects; roads, bridges and other municipal projects; open space operation projects; mechanized operation projects, etc. class. At the same time, the "Notice" clearly stated that interior decoration and other personnel-intensive projects will not be started temporarily.

In addition, when the participating construction units apply for the resumption of the project, the preparations for resumption of work on the project site must meet nine conditions, including the epidemic prevention and control mechanism, the inspection of personnel entering the site, the elimination of facilities and equipment to prevent epidemics, and the protection of epidemic prevention materials. It is worth noting that the "Emergency Notice" also mentioned that if the employer failed to implement the corporate entity's responsibility and violated the relevant provisions of the epidemic prevention and control, which caused the diagnosis of more than three people to be diagnosed, the market shall be banned for a certain period of time in accordance with laws and regulations. Constitute a crime, be held criminally responsible.

Some construction projects in Jinan City Investment resume construction today

Qilu Evening News: Fully perform the duties of state-owned enterprises, adhere to the prevention and control of epidemic situation and resume production & ldquo; Hold hard on both hands & rdquo ;! The reporter learned that Jinan Urban Investment Group resolutely implements the notification requirements of the provinces and cities to promote the resumption of production and resume production, and has carefully deployed various tasks to resume production and resume production. From February 8, the financial city and Jinan International Medical Science undertaken by Jinan Urban Investment Group Center, Changqing Mashan, Xueshan four major areas; 27 projects on both sides of the Xiaoqing River landscape improvement, commercial development, education infrastructure, Chengfeng flour mill protective reinforcement repairs have resumed. Some projects have resumed work at advanced sites, with about 300 returnees.

Recently, the party committee of the group held a project construction work meeting to arrange for the overall resumption of work for each project of the group. The Party Committee of the Group requested that all projects should respond quickly and comprehensively sort out the current construction of each project. For those who are in the process of project construction, speed up the process, actively seek higher-level support, and strive for early start and construction of the project. During the construction of the project, in accordance with the operating procedures, the construction units of the project will give priority to outdoor work and reduce the concentration of personnel. They will immediately report to the epidemic situation leadership team in the project area and county to implement the resumption procedures, and quickly organize after approval. Construction personnel enter the field.

It is understood that, according to a summary, the project site management and construction personnel are basically from the province, Jinan urban and county suburbs. The project requires more than 180 mechanical equipment such as Excavators, loaders, forklifts, small implements, and nearly 100 transportation Vehicles. Cars. The work covers site cleanup and disinfection, earthwork excavation, backfilling, demolition, external transportation, exploration site positioning and line laying, site leveling, concrete pouring, reinforcement processing, fence erection, complete temporary installation, seedling planting, and road paving. Wait for outdoor work. With the strong support of the territorial government, three international financial city projects have been approved for resumption of work. The project construction staff immediately rushed to the construction site to resume work first. Other projects have already reached about 300 people. They are actively processing reinstatement application procedures and preparing construction sites. The preparation of anti-killing and epidemic prevention materials will lay the foundation for the timely return to work. After February 10, 27 projects will be fully resumed, and the number of returning workers will reach about 1,200.

The epidemic is currently promoting safety and resumption of major municipal construction projects in Changsha.

Xingchen Online February 9th. With the Lantern Festival, Changsha began to switch from the Spring Festival holiday to the post-return to work. A few days ago, Tan Yong, deputy mayor of the Changsha Municipal People's Government presided over the city's major municipal construction project start and resume work scheduling meeting. He emphasized that, on the premise of effective prevention and control measures for epidemic situations and safe production, we must fully support the start and resumption of major municipal infrastructure projects.

& ldquo; There is no shutdown during the Spring Festival of our project. At present, under the premise of good epidemic prevention and control, construction is progressing in an orderly manner. & rdquo; & ldquo; We have completed the resumption of work on two projects and the preparation of epidemic prevention and control plans, and have filed with the housing construction department and the community. & rdquo; At the meeting, all construction units reported the resumption of construction in progress.

Tan Yong requested that all units should take the lead in epidemic prevention and safety first, adhere to the epidemic prevention and control and project construction, and implement the requirements for detailed epidemic prevention measures and production safety; proactive service, strengthen scheduling, and resume work for the project party Remove obstacles and promote the start of major livelihood projects in the city as soon as possible; adhere to the "people-centered", prepare materials for epidemic prevention and control, implement project personnel control requirements, and ensure the life and health of construction project participants; districts (cities) The government shall guide and support the street community, support the housing and management of the project personnel, and shall not arbitrarily obstruct the personnel to move in and resume the project.

Fujian Province's orderly resumption of major water conservancy projects in 11 provincial key water conservancy projects has taken the lead

On the 11th, at the construction site of Huokou Reservoir in Luoyuan, workers were nervously and orderly carrying out sand and stone processing and dam foundation grouting. The reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Water Resources that as of now, Luoyuan Huokou, Yizha Third Line (Fuzhou Section), Yizha Third Line (Pingtan Section), Quanzhou Baise, etc. & ldquo; 172 & rdquo; Major Water Conservancy Projects for Water-saving Water Supply, and Yongchun Horse 11 provincial key water conservancy projects and 2 urban and rural water supply integration projects including Fuding and Shaxian have all resumed work 10 days ago.

"At present, the 78 workers on the construction site are all staying on the construction site during the Spring Festival. & rdquo; Chen Cheng, chief engineer of the Luoyuan Huokou Reservoir project, said that the project strictly implements unified deployment, and construction work only begins after the construction site, employees, meals, accommodation and personal hygiene are well protected.

It is understood that the Provincial Water Resources Department guides various water conservancy project sites to implement epidemic prevention and control measures, and does a good job of protecting the construction site, employees, meals, accommodation and personal hygiene. In addition, the locations of major water conservancy projects are connected via video, point-to-point communication, coordination and resolution of problems encountered in the process of resumption of work, and guidance to localities to formulate plans for resumption of work and orderly organization of new projects under the premise of meeting the conditions for epidemic prevention and control. Construction started on schedule, resumed construction resumed in a timely manner, and construction continued without stopping.

At present, 17 provincial-level key water conservancy projects, such as the Minjiang River flood control project and the Minqing Meixi section, and 2 urban-rural water supply integration projects, such as Minqing and Changtai, are under preparation, and work is expected to resume at the end of February; the remaining 33 provincial key water conservancy projects The project, as well as people's livelihood projects such as the construction of safe ecological water systems and the management of small and medium rivers, will also resume work in accordance with the return journey of construction workers and the prevention and control of local epidemics.

Sanming City accelerates the orderly start of construction projects and resumes work

On February 10, Sanming City issued "Several Measures for Sanming City to Cope with New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Situation and Accelerate Construction Projects to Resume Orderly Start and Resumption" (hereinafter referred to as "Measures"). While ensuring epidemic prevention and control work, the project was started as soon as possible .

The "Measures" require that the work resumes in a scientific and orderly manner, simplify the procedures for resumption of work, implement health protection, actively seek higher-level policy support, speed up the preliminary work of the epidemic prevention and control materials production project, and comprehensively implement the online office, palm office, appointment office, and mail office Smart Office, etc. “Five Office Work Methods” For key areas, quickly plan and generate a batch of short-term projects in key areas, speed up the preliminary work of financial investment projects, implement a coordinated promotion mechanism for key projects, and ensure stable and orderly land supply. ; Strengthen material security, capital security, construction workers' livelihood security, and provide temporary construction land for the implementation of epidemic prevention and control needs, clarify epidemic prevention responsibilities, and establish a scheduling work mechanism.

Nanping fully supports the resumption of construction of key projects

On the 11th, the first day of the resumption of the construction vehicle depot of the Wuyi New District Tourism and Rail Transit Project in Nanping, at the construction site in Xiandian Village, Xingtian Town, Wuyishan City, the roar of machinery and the rolling sound of stones revived the quiet, multi-day construction site. .

It is reported that the Wuyi New District Tourism Sightseeing Rail Transit Project is one of the 100 "top priority" projects in our province and the first tram project in the province to adopt the PPP model. The first phase of the project is 26.18km in length and has 10 stations to connect the high-speed rail station Nanping City and Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area. At present, the subgrade and bridge projects under the project line are nearing completion.

A few days ago, Nanping introduced 16 measures to help enterprises tide over difficulties together, and put key construction projects that must meet schedules and schedules into priority security and service lists, give them policy support, and do their utmost to support and help key construction projects resume work.

Jinjiang: With the prevention and control measures in place, key projects will gradually start and resume construction

In order to ensure that important events and important events can be successfully held on schedule, Jinjiang's key projects have been submitted to the competent construction department for approval, and some projects have resumed construction under the conditions of prevention and control measures.

At the construction site of Jinjiang Second Sports Center, 100 workers were divided into 8 teams, and construction was started at various locations under the leadership of their team leaders. Lin Qiuping, Project Manager of Jinjiang Second Sports Center: In strict accordance with the system of Quanzhou, Jinjiang, and the province, (developed) all aspects of prevention and control, including the isolation of construction site gates, including the isolation of living areas, office areas Isolation, and killing measures, we carry out semi-closed and semi-military management of workers. These workers are at 3:00 a.m., and they stay in the morning, there are canteens, and there is a work area on the site. One or twenty workers are uniformly managed by one team leader.

Before February 9th, the construction of Jinjiang Second Sports Center Project, International Convention and Exhibition Center Project, and Jinjiang Youth Amateur Sports School Project started to resume construction. The Jinjiang Housing and Construction Department considered these projects as supporting construction of important events and key activities. The project has a tight construction period and heavy construction tasks. It will carry out an item-by-item review in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the provincial and municipal resumption of work. After the conditions for resumption of work are met, the Jinjiang Municipal Government is asked to agree to resume the work first.

Next, Jinjiang City will promote the orderly resumption of production and construction in the construction industry in an orderly manner, strictly review and approve the resumption of work, and follow the principles of “mature batch, approved batch”, and overall planning to ensure orderly and timely construction, quality and quantity. Construction resumed.

The construction schedule of Zhengzhou construction project is announced, and 582 key projects will be started on the 25th

Dahe Finance Cube News On February 9, Zhengzhou Urban and Rural Construction Bureau issued a notice on the "Implementation Plan for the Construction (Resumption) of Zhengzhou City Construction Projects", which clarified the timetable for construction (resumption) of construction projects in Zhengzhou City. The notice stated that the plan had been agreed by the municipal government, and the construction (re) engineering work of Zhengzhou City would be implemented in a scientific and orderly manner. Involving the need for epidemic prevention and control, the need to ensure urban operation, and major projects and emergency projects, after the approval of the Municipal People's Government, normal construction can be carried out without being restricted by the start (resumption) of work. Zhengzhou City's Fourth Ring Road and Dahe Road Rapidization Project, including 582 provincial and municipal key and major livelihood projects, can be applied for (re) started at midnight on February 25th. 420 other people's livelihood projects, including the second phase of the Baisha Resettlement Zone, can apply for starting (resumption) of work starting at 00:00 on March 6. The total investment of the first batch of 1002 projects started was 163.815 billion yuan.

Provincial and municipal key and major people's livelihood projects, mainly provincial and municipal key projects, municipal key projects, rail transit projects and major livelihood projects, as well as subsidiary companies such as commercial railway stations and asphalt plants that are supported by them, starting at 00:00 on February 25 , Can apply to start (re) employment.

Other people's livelihood projects, mainly resettlement housing, social housing, schools, and other people's livelihood projects, and other roads, municipal utilities, and other construction people's livelihood projects, can be applied for (re) started at midnight on March 6.

Other projects, mainly all other construction projects such as real estate, can be applied for (re) started at midnight on March 16.

According to the notice, in principle, Zhengzhou's construction projects meet the conditions in terms of epidemic prevention and control, raw materials, and construction site, and can apply to the territorial government and the joint review team of the management committee to start (re) start.

& nbsp; Heilongjiang Development and Reform Commission issued 9 measures to support the construction of key projects

In order to implement the spirit of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and the Executive Meeting of the Provincial Government held during the critical period of the prevention and control of pneumonia epidemic of new-type coronavirus, we will not "relax" the epidemic prevention work with one hand, and shake the economic work with the other. The government agreed that the Heilongjiang Development and Reform Commission issued a notice to formulate 9 specific measures to support the construction of key projects.

The project is set to start immediately in the spring, promote the construction of 100 major projects, implement "reduction procedures, reduction of links, time and contact" measures to improve the efficiency of the early work, implement the reward policy of the top 100 projects, and pay for the project's early costs and work expenses. provide support.

Include public health prevention and control capabilities, material reserve systems, public environmental health and other shortcomings projects into the top 100 projects, and give 3% of the investment amount of the project upfront cost support.

The province's investment project approval, approval, and filing are all handled online, and all investment projects have passed the "Heilongjiang Investment Project Online Examination and Approval Supervision Platform" or online mobile app on the mobile platform for online declaration, approval, approval and filing.

Improve the level of online consulting services for investment project approval, and set up an online consultation section under the `` Online Approval and Supervision Platform for Investment Projects '' enterprise service window.If the project unit is unclear about the approval, approval or filing policy of an investment project, it can enter the consultation. Ask questions online.

Within the period of impact of the epidemic, investment projects are subject to tolerance approval and tolerance approval. If the project unit needs to provide paper prerequisites such as planning and site selection, land use pre-review, and energy-saving review required for approval or approval, the application must be provided through the online platform. Or share or approve the electronic version of the documents after the relevant departments approve or approve. The project unit is responsible for the authenticity of the electronic version of the documents provided. Projects that haven't dealt with it can be examined or approved after making a commitment. After the epidemic situation is over, the project unit will make up the paper prerequisites.

If a special industry or special project feasibility study report or project application report needs review, the review fee will be waived. Appraisable within the province will be assessed free of charge by the Provincial Engineering Consulting and Evaluation Center. If national-level assessment agencies are required, the assessment costs will be coordinated by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission.

Highlight the key tasks of poverty alleviation and the construction of epidemic prevention and control capabilities. When decomposing and cutting funds in the 2020 central budget, according to relevant regulations, tilt to key areas such as poor counties, public health, and emergency response.

Fully support and guarantee all types of public resource transaction activities such as bidding for key projects, and for bidding projects that have suspended bidding and evaluation activities during epidemic prevention and control, and promptly assist bidders in issuing bidding documents to clarify or modify announcements, etc. Implement online bidding and bid opening for projects that do require bidding, and create conditions for electronic bid evaluation and remote bid evaluation. For projects that meet the requirements of Article 66 of the Law on Tendering and Bidding, which are necessary to ensure the operation of the city, to prevent and control the epidemic situation, and to urgently need important national economy, people's livelihood, and enterprises' production and operation, open up the "Green Channel", which may not require tendering. Owners purchase by non-tendering methods, or shorten the relevant time limit requirements as appropriate when bidding.

Kunming urges all 130 projects to start in the first quarter

Recently, the “Notice on Effectively Taking Effective Measures to Reduce the Impact of New Coronavirus Pneumonia on Economic and Social Development in the First Quarter” issued by the Office of the People's Government of Kunming (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”) proposes that Six measures to guarantee the resumption of production and work of large enterprises, including arranging no less than 200 million yuan in upfront costs to support the start of all 130 projects, reduce the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on economic and social development in the first quarter.

The six measures are to strengthen the analysis and prejudgment, increase the level of assistance to the enterprise, increase the guarantee for resumption of production and work, speed up the investment process, stabilize the consumption of residents, and provide guarantee for factor services. Specifically, carefully analyze the impact of the epidemic on the economy, and promptly propose countermeasures to keep the economy running smoothly in the first quarter. Accelerate the introduction of a 2020 city-level steady growth policy that is targeted and high in gold content, and provide policy support for enterprises to resume production expansion after the epidemic.

In terms of enterprise assistance, all localities must conduct thorough investigations to find out the outstanding problems faced by the leading enterprises in their jurisdictions in terms of production and operation, raw material supply, logistics and transportation, and capital security, etc., and report them regularly to be studied and resolved to fully protect the production and operation of key enterprises. Consolidate the fundamentals of economic growth. At the same time, Kunming will expedite the introduction of relevant measures to comprehensively implement policies from the aspects of financial support, tax and fee reduction, and enhancement of service guarantees to support SMEs in controlling epidemics, ensuring operations, and stable development, and reducing the impact and impact of the epidemic on SMEs.

In terms of investment, it is necessary to make all preparations for the resumption of the project in advance, make every effort to seize the construction period and progress, and strive to form more physical works, complete the annual investment plan progress as soon as possible, and form an investment pull as soon as possible. The first-quarter costs of not less than 200 million yuan will be arranged before the first quarter, and all 130 new projects planned for the first quarter will start.

Guizhou: orderly progress of major projects resumed

With the consent of the Guizhou Provincial People's Government, the Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Actively Responding to the Epidemic Situation and Promoting the Resumption of Major Projects and Orderly", requiring all relevant departments and units in all regions to do their best to prevent and control the epidemic. To coordinate the construction of major engineering projects, to promote the resumption of work in an orderly manner, ensure the completion of the annual tasks and tasks, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society.

The "Notice" proposed that the classification and orderly advance the resumption of major engineering projects in the province. According to the three time nodes before February 20, before February 29, and before March 31, scheduling statistics are available for projects that can be resumed.

Suining: Strive for 400 new construction projects throughout the year

Recently, the Suining Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Responding to New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic Situation, Strengthening Economic Operation and Scheduling, and Promoting Project Investment Related Work", which requires that while doing a good job in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic situation, we must coordinate development and reform Various tasks to minimize the impact and impact of the epidemic on economic operations and ensure a smooth start in the first quarter.

The "Notice" focuses on the four aspects of organizing the orderly resumption of major projects, strengthening the monitoring and dispatching of economic operations, accelerating the construction of major projects, and planning for a batch of major projects. A total of 15 measures have been formulated. Among them, in order to organize the orderly resumption of major projects, fully utilize the project secretary's "one-to-one" tracking service role, and reverse the construction period, sequential procedures, and wall charts of 172 major city-level projects. All qualified construction projects will resume work before the end of February. At the same time, in cooperation with the Economic and Information Bureau, the Health and Health Committee and other departments, actively help enterprises coordinate the settlement of prevention and control materials such as masks, disinfection potions, monitoring equipment, and ensure that construction sites meet epidemic prevention and control standards.

In terms of accelerating the construction of major projects, we will continue to do a good job in tiered and tiered project scheduling, strengthen the guarantee of the key elements of major projects, give full play to the role of government investment as soon as possible, and actively prepare for the centralized start of quarterly projects. Establish a project start account monthly, customize a list of items on a weekly basis, hold a centralized start ceremony on a quarterly basis, and strive to start 400 new projects in the city throughout the year with an estimated total investment of more than 120 billion yuan.

Fujian, Zhejiang and other major projects resume construction Xiamen Haicang Tunnel is expected to be completed and opened to traffic by the end of the year

In the past two days, major projects in Fujian, Zhejiang and other places have gradually resumed construction and started construction.

The Xiamen Haicang Tunnel under construction is a subsea channel connecting Xiamen Island and the land, crossing the longest subsea weathered deep groove in China. At present, the construction of Haicang Tunnel has been restored by 40%, and it is expected to be completed and opened to traffic by the end of 2020. In order to prevent and control the epidemic situation, information registration, temperature measurement, and isolation observation of returnees at the construction site are also being carried out in an orderly manner. Wang Hui, executive deputy manager of China Railway Tunnel Group Project: The temperature of the returnees is monitored twice a day. All returnees should not go out during the isolation period, wear masks in their own rooms, and we will uniformly distribute meals to the project department. It is understood that the Xiamen Haicang Tunnel is 7.1 kilometers long. At present, the main works of the Haicang Tunnel have exceeded 90%. It is expected that the entire line will be opened to traffic by the end of 2020.

Chengdu promotes 1,000 key projects to resume construction of Tianfu International Airport this month

On February 12, Chengdu held an online press conference on "Chengdu's Effective Response to the Epidemic and Stable Economic Operation, Interpretation of 20 Policies and Measures". The Deputy Director of the Chengdu Development and Reform Commission introduced progressively. In 2020, the city will promote 1,000 key projects. Construction covers four aspects: the construction of a modern economic system, the construction of major infrastructure, the enhancement of public service functions, and the construction of ecological civilization. The annual investment is 468.867 billion yuan. Among them, for the development of health medical and public health service systems, a number of key projects will be accelerated in Wenjiang District, Wuming Kangde Life and Health Industrial Base, Xindu District Kelun Medical and Trade Headquarters and Storage and Logistics Base, and the relocation of Chengdu Blood Center.

So far, the second phase of the 370-bed public health center has been completed. 19 projects including the Universiade Sports Center and the Grand Canal Village, Dongan Lake Reconstruction Project, rail transit projects, the ecological environment protection of the Universiade Area, and water pollution prevention and control projects have been resumed. , East-west city axis, Tianfu International Airport supporting projects and other projects are scheduled to start and resume work in the middle of this month.

Shijiazhuang Metro Line 3 and Municipal Children's Hospital started construction.

On February 10, the first hospital project in Shijiazhuang was under construction. The project has a total construction area of ​​216,320 square meters, a design capacity of 1,500 beds, and 4,500 daily outpatient consultations. It will build a tertiary first-class comprehensive hospital with outstanding specialty characteristics. At present, the project is in the finishing phase of interior decoration and exterior construction.

On February 11, the reporter saw that the Shijiazhuang Vocational College of Information Engineering, Shicheng District, Wucheng District resumed construction of the project. The construction site is in full swing. Construction workers are wearing safety helmets and masks and are setting up scaffolding. At the site of the construction site, workers wearing protective clothing are sanitizing vehicles entering and leaving the site, and strictly implement the temperature registration and real-name system management system. , Real-time attendance, registration and verification of personnel entering and leaving the construction site.

Housing construction projects and municipal infrastructure projects under the management of the city's housing construction system resumed at 00:00 on February 10.

As of now, four projects are under construction, including Municipal Children's Hospital, Municipal People's Hospital, Metro Line 3 and Shijiazhuang Information Engineering College, and some construction projects are intensifying preparations before resuming work. The Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau issued a "Handbook of Knowledge on Prevention and Control of New Coronavirus Pneumonia at Construction Sites" for construction units, which includes personal protection, management requirements, and guidelines for resuming work.

Gansu highway construction project can be resumed from February 20th

On February 9, 2020, the Gansu Provincial Department of Transportation issued a notice on the resumption of highway construction projects in the province. The relevant situation is as follows:

I. Promote the orderly resumption of the project. Each construction unit shall, based on the preparations for epidemic prevention and control, the arrangements made by the local epidemic prevention department, and the characteristics of the local climate, determine the time for resumption of work on February 20, for projects that meet the conditions for resumption of work. The relatively closed bridges, tunnels, and protection works can be resumed as soon as possible to form physical engineering quantities. Projects that are temporarily unavailable for resumption due to epidemic prevention and control or climatic reasons should be created in order to resume work in an orderly manner by dividing bids and divisions. Encourage the preparation of work and materials in advance on the premise of ensuring quality and promote effective investment.

2. Promote the start of key projects as soon as possible. The construction unit shall organize relevant consulting and design units, actively speed up the feasibility study report, design document preparation and requirements approval, improve working methods, actively coordinate relevant departments, and strive to increase support for land, forest, grass, and environmental protection Innovative measures will be accelerated in project approval, land acquisition and demolition, material supply, epidemic prevention, and team entry. Actively research and improve the bidding methods, encourage the use of electronic bidding methods and non-face-to-face negotiations to give priority to early work and create conditions for starting construction as soon as possible.

3. Complete the annual construction task. Each construction project should be compared with the construction tasks issued at the beginning of the year in combination with the effective construction time. Re-compile the monthly construction schedule for this year, and scientifically and reasonably decompose the delayed construction period into various construction stages to ensure the completion of the annual construction task.

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