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2020 official notice: highway water transport project strive to resume work before 20 days! Attached is the list of national railway projects!

July 04, 2020

On February 8th, the Ministry of Transport issued a notice saying that while doing a good job in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus infection pneumonia epidemic, the overall plan was to speed up the resumption of highway waterway engineering and further increase the investment in transportation. Except for Hubei Province and other areas with heavy epidemic prevention and control tasks, In principle, preparations should be made for resumption of work before February 15, 2020, and strive to resume work before February 20 . All localities should advance the planning project in full accordance with the investment goals and tasks determined by the 2020 National Transportation Working Conference.

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According to the investment market finalized by the 2020 National Transportation Work Conference, the annual national transportation plan investment is about 2.7 trillion yuan, of which railway investment is 800 billion yuan, highway and waterway investment is 1.8 trillion yuan, and civil aviation investment is 90 billion yuan.

I ’ll just put it below

The list of new railway projects to start in 2020 will be packed and given to you!

Projects planned to start in 2020

Ya'an to Linzhi section of Sichuan-Tibet Railway: Line length (km) 967, design speed (km \ h) 200, project province: Sichuan, Tibet

Fengtai to Xiong'an to Shangqiu high-speed railway: Line length (km) 639, design speed (km \ h) 350, project provinces: Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, Henan

Chongqing-Kunming high-speed railway: Line length (km) 699, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou

Shenyang to Baihe high-speed railway: Line length (km) 429, design speed (km \ h) 350, project provinces: Liaoning, Jilin

Xining to Huangshengguan section of Xining-Chengdu railway: Line length (km) 497, design speed (km \ h) 200, project provinces: Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan

Baotin high-speed rail Baotou to Huinong section: Line length (km) 419, design speed (km \ h) 250, project province: Inner Mongolia

Zhengyang-Jinan high-speed railway from Puyang to Jinan: The length of the line (km) 210, the design speed (km \ h) 350, the province where the project is located: Henan, Shandong

Xi'an to Shiyan high-speed railway: Line length (km) 257, design speed (km \ h) 350, project provinces: Shaanxi, Hubei

Xi'an to Yan'an high-speed railway: Line length (km) 287, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Shaanxi

Xi'an to Ankang high-speed railway: Line length (km) 170, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Shaanxi

Huzhou-Hangzhou West to Hangzhou-Huanghuang connection line: Line length (km) 137, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Zhejiang

Yichang-Zhengwan high-speed railway connection line: Line length (km) 109, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Hubei

Chongqing to Qianjiang high-speed railway: Line length (km) 270, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Chongqing

High-speed railway from Shanghai to Suzhou to Huzhou: Line length (km) 163, design speed (km \ h) 350, provinces where the project is located: Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai

Electrification transformation of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Gera section: Line length (km) 1136, design speed (km \ h) 120, project provinces: Qinghai, Tibet

Addition of the second line from Wubei to Zhundong Railway: The length of the line (km) 187, the design speed (km \ h) 120, the province where the project is located: Xinjiang

Three or four lines will be added to the section from Zhuangqiao to Ningbo of Ningbo Hub: line length (km) 7, design speed (km \ h) 120, project province: Zhejiang

Maoming East to Bohe Port Railway: Line length (km) 50, design speed (km \ h) 120, project province: Guangdong

Rizhao Lanshan Port Shugang Railway: Line length (km) 35, design speed (km \ h) 120, project province: Shandong

Lanzhou to Zhangye Line 3 and 4 Zhongchuan Airport to Wuwei: The length of the line (km) 194, the design speed (km \ h) 250, the province where the project is located: Gansu

Reserve start projects in 2020

Chengdu to Dazhou to Wanzhou high-speed railway: Line length (km) 435, design speed (km \ h) 350, project provinces: Sichuan, Chongqing

High-speed railway from Chongqing to Wanzhou: Line length (km) 248, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Chongqing

Jining to Datong to Yuanping high-speed railway: Line length (km) 270, design speed (km \ h) 250, project provinces: Shanxi, Inner Mongolia

Guangzhou to Zhanjiang high-speed railway: Line length (km) 400, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Guangdong

Zhanjiang-Haian high-speed railway: Line length (km) 129, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Guangdong

Yan'an to Yulin high-speed railway: Line length (km) 239, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Shaanxi

Xuancheng to Jixi high-speed railway: The length of the line (km) 112, the design speed (km \ h) 350, the province where the project is located: Anhui

Ganming-Shenzhen high-speed railway from Guangming City to Xili: Line length (km) 13, design speed (km \ h) 350, project province: Guangdong

Heze-Lankao section of Rilan high-speed railway: The length of the line (km) 85, the design speed (km \ h) 350, the province where the project is located: Shandong, Henan

Harbin-Tieli-Yichun Railway: Line length (km) 307, design speed (km \ h) 250, project province: Heilongjiang

Prince City to Xilinhot Railway: Line length (km) 384, design speed (km \ h) 160, project provinces: Hebei, Inner Mongolia

Zhongwei-Pingliang Capacity Expansion and Reconstruction of Baozhong Railway: Line length (km) 280, design speed (km \ h) 160, project province: Ningxia, Gansu

The full notice of the Ministry of Communications is as follows

The relevant work notice is now as follows:

I. Speed ​​up the resumption of highway water transport works

Comprehensively sort out the situation of projects under construction, seize the favorable season for construction after the Spring Festival, and according to local actual conditions, while doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, scientifically classify and implement policies. Priority shall be given to guaranteeing key projects and control projects, prioritizing the projects completed in the current year, and prioritizing transport poverty alleviation projects. Except for Hubei Province and other areas with severe epidemic prevention and control tasks, if climate conditions meet the construction requirements, in principle, preparations should be made for resumption of work before February 15, 2020, and efforts should be made to resume work before February 20. The relatively closed construction sites such as bridges, tunnels, dredging, and reef clearing should be resumed as soon as possible, and physical workload should be formed as soon as possible. For projects that do not have the conditions for resuming work temporarily due to epidemic prevention and control or climatic reasons, to create conditions for resuming work as soon as possible, you can gradually resume work by dividing bids and points. Encourage the preparation of materials and materials in advance on the premise of ensuring quality and promote effective investment.

Comprehensively organize the relocation of construction and supervision personnel, and do a good job of information registration. According to the "Notice of the Central Leading Group on Response to the Epidemic Situation of New Coronavirus Infection and Pneumococcal Diseases and Strengthening Epidemic Prevention and Control after the Spring Festival" (Guo Tengdian [2020] No. 1), The group of migrant workers can organize the use of point-to-point transportation methods to make a good connection with the export and import of migrant workers, and obey the epidemic prevention arrangements at the input place to ensure smooth travel and smooth entry.

Second, promote the start of key projects as soon as possible

The project unit shall organize relevant consulting and design units to actively speed up the feasibility study report, design document preparation, and application for approval, improve the working method, and do a good job of epidemic prevention and control while maintaining the quality and quantity to advance the preliminary work. Actively coordinate relevant departments, and strive to increase support for land use, sea use, forest use, grass use, and environmental protection, and accelerate project approval. Innovative measures speed up all work before the start of construction. Proactively research and improve bidding methods, and encourage preferential use of electronic bidding methods. Where the construction unit has been identified, construction preparations should be made as soon as possible, and construction should begin as soon as possible. Relevant subordinate units will accelerate the resumption of construction of the transportation support system construction project in accordance with the spirit of this notice.

Three, complete the annual goals and tasks

This year is the final year of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", and it is also the key year for the decisive victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way, decisively fighting poverty, and achieving the goal of the first century. All localities should follow the investment goals and tasks determined by the 2020 National Transportation Working Conference, focus on winning a high-quality battle against poverty through transportation, break down and refine the goals and tasks, and strengthen guidance and coordination and task supervision. Promote the planning project in full swing. Combined with "One Belt One Road" construction, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development, Yangtze River Economic Belt development, Xiong'an New Area construction, Yangtze River Delta regional integrated development, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development, ecological protection of the Yellow River Basin and high quality Development, etc., start a series of construction projects that serve the implementation of major national strategies in accordance with the “14th Five-Year Plan” and investment policies to ensure that investment is accurate and effective. It is necessary to actively seek policy and financial support, implement self-raised funds in a timely manner, strengthen debt risk prevention and control, and resolutely keep to the bottom line that no systemic debt risk occurs.

Four, strict engineering quality and safety management

Strengthen project construction management and supervision, urge the participating units to formulate work plans, implement safety inspection and review procedures such as returning to work, starting work and entering the site, and carry out targeted safety education and technical disclosure for incoming personnel, and organize the identification of risk of returning to work And hidden dangers investigation to ensure that key positions of personnel, equipment and facilities, construction environment, etc. meet the requirements of safe production; implement the project leader's shift production system, make emergency preparations, strictly follow the plan, according to the standard construction, illegal operations are strictly prohibited, regardless of safety rush Construction period and risk-taking operation. Actively study effective measures to strengthen project management, improve the quality assurance system and test and inspection processes, strengthen supervision, and resolutely put materials and equipment into the customs clearance, engineering quality acceptance check, standardize construction techniques, and strictly control quality to ensure that the project quality standards are not reduced. Both epidemic prevention and control and quality and safety management should be achieved.

Fifth, do a good job of site epidemic prevention and control

The construction sites of highway and water transportation projects shall implement the requirements for epidemic prevention and control in the territories, and obey the unified arrangements, scheduling, and supervision of the territories. Supervise the project construction units to take overall responsibility for the epidemic prevention and control of this project, the relevant participating units implement the main responsibilities, prepare prevention and control plans, implement prevention and control measures, and improve the epidemic situation reporting system. Reasonably adjust the construction organization method to reduce or avoid personnel gathering. Strengthen the publicity, education and training of employees, employees, especially migrant workers, and improve their protection awareness and ability. Strictly use the real-name system and site entry and exit management, do a good job of temperature detection, personal protection, and necessary isolation observations , support closed sites with conditions to implement closed management, strengthen environmental disinfection, and maintain canteens, dormitories, conference rooms, offices Clean the construction site and ships, improve ventilation conditions, and equip with health protection products such as masks.

Sixth, strengthen organizational leadership and overall coordination

Local transportation authorities and relevant units must improve their political standing, strengthen their sense of responsibility, fully understand the importance of accelerating the resumption of construction and increasing the investment in transportation, and consider the requirements of epidemic prevention and control and the actual situation of construction projects as a whole. Strengthen organizational leadership and actively promote the resumption of production and project start-ups . Strengthen funding guarantees, and work hard to solve the problem of financing of ordinary national and provincial highways. Urge local governments to implement self-raised funds, actively seek local government general bond investment, and make full use of special bonds. Focus on the implementation of PPP projects. Coordinate relevant departments to increase support, make good use of favorable policies, and speed up project approval. Coordinate the local government to ensure that the materials, equipment and qualified construction personnel required to enter the site in a timely manner, and protect the epidemic prevention materials required for the project according to law.

Ministry of Transportation

February 8, 2020

All nations work together to overcome difficulties!

Resumption of work is imminent, only owe Dongfeng?

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