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Support war epidemic line, the group in action

June 26, 2020

in order to fully support China in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic, since January 2020, CMCC has taken active actions to provide anti-epidemic assistance while earnestly implementing the national deployment.

set the cold cloud for hubei and other areas of medicine and medical equipment escort & NBSP;

since January 19, cim-leng cloud has been receiving calls from customers for delivery from Beijing, guangzhou, shijiazhuang and other places. New coronavirus infection with pneumonia ” Symptomatic drugs to hubei and other serious areas. After knowing the situation, cimc tried its best to arrange the special car to deliver and finally ensure that each batch of targeted drugs arrived in time and efficiently. At the same time, cimc also asked all branches in the country to fully cooperate with the coronavirus symptomatic drug transport. Among them, many employees of zhongji lengyun wuhan branch voluntarily gave up their holidays and took on the task of first-line medicine collection and delivery to ensure the efficient and timely delivery of each medicine. & have spent

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on January 27, cimirenyun went all out to quickly ship a batch of medical devices for the detection of the new coronavirus-infected pneumonia virus from tianjin to baoding, hebei, to complete the delivery. & have spent

zhongji yangzhou at the entrance to the highway housing relay station installed in place to provide front-line personnel with shelter & rain ;

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on the afternoon of January 25, the cmic container yangzhou base was informed to install and set up modular single houses at seven expressway toll stations in the urban area of yangzhou (shugang, north yangzhou, west yangzhou, south yangzhou, tangwang, guangling and hangji). After receiving the notice, the staff of cimc container yangzhou base worked hard all night, from assembling, hoisting, dispatching, calling, finishing loading and unloading, fighting for 24 hours, and finally finished the lifting and emplacement of all products at 4 o 'clock in the morning of January 26. & have spent

cji shengdaing support hubei medical oxygen equipment at full speed & NBSP;

during the fight against the new coronavirus pneumonia, wuhan jinjintan hospital, huanggang dabie mountain regional medical center (huanggang edition “ Little Thomas hill) , wuhan vulcan mountain hospital and other key hospitals have issued a new demand for medical oxygen. Cimc anreke's zhangjiagang cimc sundayin cryogenic equipment co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as cimc sundayin) went all out to support the medical oxygen equipment in hubei after receiving the relevant urgent work task. & have spent & have spent

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on January 28, after receiving the medical oxygen equipment task book of wuhan jinjintan hospital, the company transported two medical liquid oxygen storage tanks to wuhan within 48 hours. & have spent

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on January 30, due to the centralized oxygen supply station of huanggang dabie mountain regional medical center was put into use, cji shengdayin completed the piping and commissioning of the equipment within 24 hours, and sent the equipment to huanggang, hubei. & have spent

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At 2:30 p.m. on February 3, four Trucks from cimc sundain, carrying eight 10 cubic meters of liquid oxygen storage tanks for medical use, were driven from zhangjiagang to wuhan huoshenshan hospital. & have spent

cimc logistics provides free transport channel service for anti-epidemic materials at home and abroad & NBSP;

in order to support the whole country in the battle against the epidemic, cimc logistics has organized global transportation networks, routes and channels to provide free transportation services for prevention and control materials. & have spent

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1 ⽉ 30, cimc zhenhua logistics tianjin customs ⾏ ⼀ shipping board, in the active assistance from the united Arab emirates (uae) procurement ⼀ batch of N95 ⼝ cover a total of 50000, the tianjin charity quickly send it to the hubei province. & have spent

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1 ⽉ 30 ⽇, cimc cimc logistics subordinate enterprise KaiTong nanjing dealer sales department to assist a hot ⼼ wenzhou ⼈ transported 100000 N95 ⼝ cover from dubai to China, and quickly complete the customs clearance; 1 31 ⽇ ⽉, cimc KaiTong by arranging for ⻋ team, to deliver supplies to Yang ⼦ river pharmaceutical smoothly. & have spent

cimc logistics donated 30,000 surgical masks & NBSP;

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on February 1, zhenhua logistics group co., LTD., a subordinate company of ciml logistics, will urgently import 30,000 3M surgical masks from the republic of Korea and donate them to teda hospital through teda charity association to help fight the epidemic in tianjin binhai new area.

note: some pictures and texts come from media

source: cimc group

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