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Digging machine in hand, responsibility in the shoulder, doosan snipe across the new cap epidemic

June 21, 2020

In times of crisis, unity of purpose becomes strength. This year, the ravage of the new coronavirus has again made us feel the power of unity. In this war. Plague & throughout; In China, special hospitals were urgently built in many places, and forces from all sides came together … & hellip; The following scenario became the prologue to the national fight against the epidemic.

in the rear, they deployed

Hospitals, it is hoped, are fortresses to keep the disease at bay on a smaller scale. When the situation is extremely urgent, the dealers of doosan construction machinery act first and become the home front of the local construction task.

On January 23, wuhan decided to open the vulcan mountain hospital; 25, decided to open Raytheon mountain hospital. As the distributor of doushan in hubei province, wuhan swift horse quickly set up the anti-epidemic protection team and rushed to the construction site early on the morning of 25th to support the construction of vulcan mountain hospital. In addition, swift horse also supported the first batch of maintenance materials needed for equipment construction. On the afternoon of 27th, upon hearing that the construction of Raytheon mountain hospital was in urgent need of 20-30t Excavators and other equipment, wuhan qianlima immediately organized front-line personnel to contact the surrounding users, and assembled more than 40 equipment to rush to the construction site in less than half an hour. At the same time, the company and the staff together to donate, materials poured into the construction front.

Yang yihua, chairman of the board, personally took charge of the commander in chief, and the security team was on standby at the site 24 hours a day. & hellip; Wuhan qianli horse and doosan equipment to build the vulcan mountain, Raytheon mountain two important forces.

On February 3, the project of xi 'an public health center, which covers an area of about 500 mu, was fully started. Facing the epidemic situation, jinjundoushan, shaanxi province, moved forward bravely, transporting a number of doushan Excavators operated by the company to the front line for support, and equipped with professional drivers and service teams to guard the site. In this important town in the northwest, doosan's Excavator becomes the most efficient tool in the hands of constructors, and doosan's service Truck becomes the most reliable support station on the site.

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January 27, guangxi edition “ Xiaotangshan hospital ” Construction of the first phase of the temporary hospital area is expected to be completed in 7 days, with a preliminary design to provide 100 beds. Hearing that the site is in urgent need of excavators, local doushan users in guangxi voluntarily signed up to go to the site for support. At present, two 20-ton doushan excavators have entered the construction site … & hellip;

Where there is doosan, there is strength, and where there is doosan, there are good soldiers and strong generals, who will create a miracle against the epidemic.

at the front, they held

day and night

The war & other; Plague & throughout; In, the war situation is the most intense is wuhan. Vulcan mountain and Raytheon mountain hospitals are not simple. Field hospital ” , but has more than 1000 beds, equipped with fresh air system, negative pressure system, emergency room, sewage treatment, canteen, water and electricity network, can accommodate 2000 medical staff large hospital accommodation. A piece of flat land, eight days, the rise, relying on the news to volunteer to protect the thousands of construction workers in wuhan. Among them, there is no lack of doosan excavator driver.

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zhan xuesong: born in 1995, went to the construction site

on the first day of the New Year

Facing the busy scene of two or three thousand people at Raytheon mountain hospital construction site, zhan xuesong, 25, was also afraid. We all know we can't go where there are so many people, and I'm afraid to see so many people, but the hospital has to be built, and we have to stick to it. Throughout the &;

< / p > < p > zhan xuesong was notified at 10 o 'clock on the first day of the New Year, the boss gong meilin is a big customer of doosan, is also one of the earliest start to organize equipment to support the construction of the hospital engineering robots, zhan xuesong very admire and recognition, immediately decided to sign up for the first line. In the early hours of the second day, a convoy of four doosan excavators arrived at the construction site and immediately went into battle. From the beginning, it was seven days and nights without stopping. Excavators are most widely used in the hospital construction process, from the initial leveling, excavation, to the final laying of pipelines, the task is huge. At the longest point, zhan xuesong fought for three consecutive days and nights with little rest except for eating and going to the toilet. It was not until the morning of February 2 that he returned home for the first time to rest, before returning to the site to lay water and electricity and open up the surrounding roads.

Zhan xuesong said: At first, my family worried about my safety, but later, they also understand the importance of things, support me to stay at the site to complete the task. Now, I just hope the hospital is finished soon and everyone can live a normal life. Throughout the &;

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liu qing: born in 1996, “ I want to win honor for wuhan people! Throughout the &;

Liu qing, a native of wuhan, witnessed the spread of the disease from his hometown to the city. As a driver with 7 years of driving experience. When he learned that the government wanted to build the vulcan mountain hospital, he joined the construction team. Two days later, Raytheon mountain hospital began construction, more than 40 excavators need to be recruited again, he and a few workers the first time to sign up, as expected to get the opportunity to go to the first line.

The doosan dx225lc-9c co-operated by liu qing had been rented out during the Spring Festival, but he did not give up and drove his brother's doosan dx220lc-9c to the construction site of Raytheon mountain hospital. He said: & other; The virus is spreading from us, I know a lot of people on the Internet said we wuhan, this time, we can not lose the face of wuhan people! Throughout the &;

Talking about entering Raytheon mountain that day, liu qing recalls: At that time, there were only 40 or 50 devices needed, but there were 60 or 70 devices coming, so everyone arrived first and followed the on-site dispatching. However, the workers who did not work did not leave, and they were just waiting for substitutes. Everyone wanted to build the hospital too much. Later, I heard that there were tens of millions of people watching our supervisor on the Internet. I was more motivated. We just wanted to show everyone that we could do it! Wuhan can stand up! Throughout the &;

Maybe two stories can not describe the body posture of thousands of builders, but we are enough to believe that there are these young people who stick to the front line, the Fight disease & throughout; We won't lose!

in the distance, they came across the sea

Fight the dealers and customers in the outbreak of a line at the same time, doosan group the same heart is in China, to fight against the new virus action donated 1 million yuan, at the same time actively coordinate resources in South Korea, the first time purchase more than 40, ten thousand yuan worth of mask, infrared temperature detector, and epidemic prevention necessities such protective clothing, to China and epidemic prevention front.

Doushan factory also took active actions. Li haozhe, President of China region, personally led the establishment of the Anti-Japanese War epidemic headquarters, and urgently allocated 200,000 yuan of common excavator accessories to support the on-site construction of wuhan vulcan mountain and Raytheon mountain hospital. Meanwhile, a donation of 400,000 yuan was made to the government of yantai development zone as a special fund for epidemic prevention and control. February 3 morning, general manager pu lun-seok personally the first batch of anti-epidemic materials — More than 10,000 masks, some temperature gauges, protective clothing and 400,000 yuan of donations were sent to the management committee of yantai development zone, and zhang juhong, member of the industrial committee and deputy director of the management committee, accepted the donation on behalf of the committee.

The second batch of aid (45,000 masks and 200 sets of protective suits) will arrive at yantai port on February 8.

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Doosan machinery general manager pu renshi said: “ In the face of the epidemic, everyone is responsible! Doosan has always been committed to building a better China. We are willing to share weal and woe with the local community to overcome the difficulties. Throughout the &;

A common people, gathered into a responsible enterprise, a responsible enterprise to build the Great Wall of the fight against the virus, with them in this. Fight disease & throughout; And succeed!
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