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Unite and fight against the epidemic! China communications group at home and abroad linkage to help the epidemic area

June 17, 2020

The recent
Pneumonia outbreak of novel coronavirus infection
The whole country is united
Total epidemic resistance

The CPC central committee and the state council attach great importance to
General secretary xi jinping gives important instructions Executive meeting of the state council chaired by premier li keqiang Further deployment of epidemic prevention and control work
And was entrusted by general secretary xi jinping to go to wuhan
Investigation and guidance for epidemic prevention and control
Visit and sympathize with the patients and the medical staff on the front line

Prevention and control work is being carried out in an orderly manner throughout the country China communications group attaches great importance to epidemic prevention and control work
Subordinate units take the initiative to assume social responsibilities

By giving full play to its advantages in overseas resources, China harbour organized overseas agencies to purchase all kinds of protective materials as soon as possible and offered assistance to wuhan and other key epidemic areas.

On January 28, the polish branch of China harbor bought 10,000 surgical masks and shipped them back to China on the same day.

On January 28, in response to the call of the general chamber of commerce of Chinese enterprises in Malaysia, the China harbour south Pacific regional management center pledged rm10,000 in materials to purchase urgently needed medical supplies in the affected areas, such as masks, to support the fight against the new coronavirus pneumonia in the affected areas. At present, the first batch of materials donated in the name of the general chamber of commerce of Chinese enterprises in Malaysia has arrived in guangzhou from Kuala Lumpur and been shipped to hubei.

China harbour Thailand company urgently purchased 500 sets of protective suits (2000 sets have been ordered), 9383 pairs of medical rubber gloves and 2000 disposable surgical masks. Cargo flights are being linked to the domestic outbreak front line.

On January 30, the China harbour Pakistan office urgently purchased 1000 N95 masks, and the Chinese embassy in Pakistan has contacted the Pakistani embassy to transport the donated materials to the country.

China harbour southern Africa regional company has purchased 24,800 surgical masks in Angola and contacted logistics companies to send them to China.

As of January 31, two public bureau a company initiative “ Donation to fight the outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia During the event, a total of 257,200 yuan was raised and promptly donated to relevant charities in jingmen city, wuhan riverbank district and economic and technological development zone.

Shenzhen metro line 8 project organized a collective donation to hubei charity federation. Emergency relief for new crown pneumonia A total of 13,950 yuan was raised for the charity project.

On January 31, in that there is a group of relief tents urgently needed is transported from the xianning chung Yang to the charr, two male bureau one company charr Yangtze river bridge JY - 2 standard project emergency starting emergency teams, in the rapid contact jiayu county epidemic prevention and control command and get a temporary pass, transport power over seven and a half hours, from 220 kilometers, 20 tents from chongyang epidemic surveillance and administration, safety sent to jiayu county epidemic prevention and control command.

As of February 1, 17:00, sigong bureau six companies through the launch. Love and volunteering to fight the epidemic A total of 299,349 yuan was donated to the charity organization of huanggang county, hubei province.

February 1, four department built a integrated project respectively to yichang yichang Xiao pavilion area of the Red Cross and dangyang Red Cross donated 20000 yuan.

On February 2, the xianning project department of sikao donated 2500 anti-epidemic materials N95 protective masks to the government of tiansiqiao township and xiangyanghu township.

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