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Huangdao customs helped Qingdao port, a port in shandong province, build a new highland for the distribution of bulk resources and products in the north

June 01, 2020

In 2019, Qingdao Qianwan Port achieved a throughput of 180 million tons of bulk mineral products, 117 million tons of crude oil, and 1.125 million tons of imported cotton; of which crude oil and iron ore throughput ranked first and fifth in the country, and cotton imports were national first. Huangdao Customs strengthened the supervision and service of imported bulk resource products, and helped Qingdao Port build a new highland for the distribution and distribution of bulk resource products in the north.

In 2019, standing at a new starting point of the Qingdao (China) Shandong Pilot Free Trade Zone on the west coast of Qingdao, Huangdao Customs focused on the "Five Passes" construction, and in accordance with the "first, stand at the forefront, carry the burden" goal, Persist in leading by major events, making breakthroughs in key areas, overcoming difficulties and working hard, comprehensively promote the modernization of the new era, and consciously integrate into the overall situation of economic and social development. 110 million tons. The various measures behind the figures reflect the fact that Huangdao Customs serves the enterprises on a solid basis and fully promotes the high-quality development of Qingdao Port.

Liu Jin, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Shandong Port Group Oil Products Company, said: "With the strong support of Huangdao Customs, we are confident in improving the port's operating level and striving to become a world-class marine port. & rdquo;

Political leadership, co-construction stimulates greater vitality

In 2019, around the goal of “building a new era of modernization and strong customs” and combining the characteristics and actual work of Qingdao Port's import and export of ore, crude oil, and other products, Huangdao Customs has made great efforts to create “carbon mine pioneers, oil assured” "The two guardian brands of the party with distinctive business characteristics are the true features of the Communist Party members in the supervision of major resource products."

Huang Min, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Second Department of Inspection and Inspection of Huangdao Customs, where the Party Building Cultivation Brand in Qingdao Customs District is located, has a deep understanding of this: & ldquo; & lsquo; severe cold, extreme heat, radiation, noise, dust, harmful gases The typical characteristics of the working environment at the cargo inspection and inspection site, "lss throughout the year, ship-to-ship inspection" are the normal working conditions of our frontline personnel, such as inspections and weight appraisals. The establishment of the party building brand embodies the original intention of grassroots party members and cadres to play an exemplary role. We will continue to polish it with our own wisdom and sweat, so that the majority of import and export enterprises have confidence in the excellent work of the customs, and the port carefully created by the Huangdao Customs. The business environment is satisfactory. & rdquo;

On this basis, Huangdao Customs has made a precise effort to carry out party building and joint construction around the imported crude oil industry chain. It has taken the lead in proposing a model of party building and co-building in the industrial chain nationwide. Many parties and branches of the customs and related enterprises build a co-construction platform around an industry. To create a new model of party building and joint building with industry characteristics and connotation.

In 2019, the two grass-roots party branches of Huangdao Customs and the Party Branch of the Production Business Department of Qingdao Shihua Crude Oil Terminal Co., Ltd., the Party Branch of the Planning Department of Sinopec Qingdao Refinery Chemical Co., Ltd., the Party Branch of the Business Department of Qingdao Port International Logistics Co., Ltd., Qingdao The Party Branch of the Development Department of the former Hong Kong Branch of Hong Kong International Co., Ltd. jointly signed a co-construction agreement to build a new pattern of party building in the industry that promotes mutual promotion of the enterprises, benefits to the six parties, and joint improvement, and achieves innovative thinking, precise supervision, counterpart service, and mutual benefit. Win and develop together.

The various party branches participating in the joint construction jointly organized the party building and joint construction activities, organized visits to the Qingdao Customs Museum, Customs Intellectual Property Exhibition Hall, and Lei Feng Memorial Hall of Huanghai University, etc .; jointly organized safety knowledge training and emergency rescue operations; and jointly focused on the import of bulk products. The chain conducts industry analysis and business discussions, finds plugging points and pain points for customs clearance, provides precise services for one enterprise, one strategy, and further reduces the waiting time for customs clearance of bulk resource products at Huangdao Port.

In May 2019, an oil tanker carrying more than 90,000 tons of Oman light crude oil at the Qingdao Port Oil Terminal is preparing to unload after undergoing customs inspection. This is the first time that this type of crude oil has been imported in Shandong Province. It has the characteristics of low density, low flash point, high content of light components, and high risk of flammability and explosion. Special sampling equipment does not meet safety requirements at all.

Participating inspection of Huangdao Customs' Inspection and Inspection Division 2 Chief Ye Jianfei thought of the newly established co-construction platform and immediately issued help information through the co-construction platform. It took only 5 hours to find a sampler that met the requirements and overnight. Overtime work completed the sampling of crude oil, which saved the company about 100,000 US dollars in detention fees.

Zou Jianbo, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Production Business Department of Qingdao Shihua Crude Oil Terminal Co., Ltd. said: "The political construction of Huangdao Customs is well done and it is worthy of our company's in-depth study. Now our 6 branches will form a joint pair, which will be better The work situation has been exchanged through the co-construction activity platform, and the actual problems of importing enterprises can be quickly resolved. Our party-building exchange platform is also a platform for rapid linkage between customs and Hong Kong enterprises. & rdquo;

Innovation model to continuously optimize the business environment

"In the new model, the clearance time for our imported iron ore is only 1.4 days, a 74% decrease from the previous time; the time from docking to shipping is only 2.1 days, a 68% decrease; the number of shipping days is 7 days, Down 22%. "Tai Junli, head of the procurement department of Shandong Iron and Steel Group Laiwu Branch, said excitedly," It is expected that we can reduce the working capital reserve for imported iron ore by 200 million yuan, saving 800,000 yuan in storage costs and 60 in logistics costs throughout the year. Ten thousand yuan. & rdquo;

This is a real benefit, and it is also a direct manifestation of Huangdao Customs' effective optimization of the business environment.

Beginning in August 2018, Huangdao Customs implemented "first release and later inspection" on imported iron ore. On-site inspection and quarantine, sample preparation and cargo unloading were carried out simultaneously, allowing enterprises to lift the cargo as soon as possible after the cargo was unloaded. Leave the supervisory workplace. As of the end of 2019, the new supervision methods have brought economic benefits of more than 50 million yuan to imported iron ore enterprises in Huangdao. On this basis, in accordance with the requirements of "two-stage access", after completing the relevant inspection instructions issued by risk control, the control is released, released, and the goods are allowed to be lifted off with conditions to achieve the same day declaration of goods, same day tax payment, same day release, time Shipping on a daily basis helped to significantly reduce the customs clearance costs of imported iron ore.

Huangdao Customs actively implements the reform and deployment of the State Council's “decentralized service”, responds to the needs of enterprises, continuously innovates and continues to build a large resource product inspection model, improves port clearance efficiency, and further promotes port development.

Since the launch of the iron ore mixed ore business in Qingdao Port in 2015, the amount of mixed ore has always maintained the first place in the country, attracting more than 40 steel companies and traders in 8 provinces and cities to purchase from Qingdao Port. Many ports and customs across the country have repeatedly come to Qingdao Port and Huangdao Customs to learn from experience, and several foreign mines are negotiating with Qingdao Port for mixed ore processing business.

In particular, after the approval of the Shandong Pilot Free Trade Zone, Huangdao Customs made full use of the policy advantages of the Pilot Free Trade Zone, allowing free mixing of iron ore from different origins and different tax numbers on the premise of ensuring full taxation, enjoying imported iron ore & ldquo ; Put out first and then check the policy, the efficiency of port ore mixing has been greatly improved. The waiting time for mixed ore was reduced from 6 days to 1 day, and the mixed ore efficiency was increased from 3,500 tons / hour to 4,200 tons / hour.

In 2019, Qingdao Port Iron Ore Mine reached 16.62 million tons of mixed ore and completed 15.54 million tons of mixed ore, ranking first in the country. The improvement of mixed ore efficiency also promotes the international re-export business of Qingdao Port mixed ore. In 2019, Qingdao Port has re-exported 1.6 million tons of mixed ore to Japan and South Korea, ranking first in the country.

Jiao Xueliang, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Development Department of the former Hong Kong Branch of Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd. said: "Huangdao Customs formulated a special inspection and supervision plan based on the characteristics of bonded iron ore imported bonded ore. The mining process and operation time of mixed ore have promoted the development of mixed ore business and helped us to develop Qingdao Port & lsquo; ore supermarket & rsquo; rapidly. & rdquo;

Wisdom supervision to support port development

On February 14, 2019, a 200,000-ton cape-type manganese ore ship from Ghana "Claudy" arrived at Qingdao Qianwan Port for offloading and unloading. In order to do the loading and unloading of the largest tonnage manganese ore carrier in Chinese ports, Huangdao Customs will follow up, take the initiative to dock, and provide accurate services. It will do a good job in the first time to carry out the inspection and appraisal of the load reduction and unloading of the ship, and take the initiative to communicate with the next port The data was shared by the customs and received unanimous praise from Qingdao Port Group and receiving companies.

The smooth berthing of this ship marks the urgent import of manganese ore in China into an era of high volume and low cost, and it is also a direct example of the intelligent supervision of bulk bulk cargo by Huangdao Customs.

In order to further optimize the port customs environment, Huangdao Customs proactively adapted to the needs of port operations and used the bulk bulk cargo monitoring platform to improve the level of smart supervision. Docking dock operation system, grasping the arrival status of ships, collecting the logistics information of the whole process of import and export cargo, realizing automatic verification and comparison of data in each link; establishing an electronic cargo yard dynamic three-dimensional map, remote monitoring and coverage, and realizing the visualization of the logistics chain. In 2019, the average inspection and release cycle of various large-scale resource mineral products at the Huangdao Port was 4.7 days, 9.1 days less than in 2018, and the overall customs clearance time was reduced by two-thirds, saving enterprises direct costs of more than 38 million yuan.

"The customs officers of Huangdao Customs are particularly able to endure hardships, fight especially, have a high level of science and technology in the supervision level, and the supervision process can be traced throughout. Their hard work is an important factor in attracting bulk carriers to berth at Qingdao Port. & rdquo; Qingdao Port Former Port Company Deputy Manager Yang Peijun said.

Huangdao Customs also fully promoted the "smart appraisal" work, so that import enterprises can effectively obtain benefits. Explore and study 6 smart monitoring methods such as water gauge observation auxiliary equipment and flowmeter real-time data acquisition system, independently develop ship water gauge reading correction instrument and ship draught difference automatic measurement instrument to achieve real-time tracking and tracing of the upper and lower links of the identification work and the front desk and background. Cooperating with the ore terminal automatic sample preparation equipment that has been put into use for 24 hours, it ensures that iron ore from all over the world is continuously imported into the country and becomes our strong industry's "grain".

In this regard, Yang Fengguang, the manager of Qingdao Port Group's Qianwan Branch, has realized that: “The identification of customs is more scientific and technological. The identification of Huangdao Port is faster than before. The results are accurate and fair. We also save trouble. & rdquo;

At the same time, Huangdao Customs first realized the full coverage of mechanical sampling of imported mineral products and the full traceability of the sampling process. The mobile mechanical sampling system independently developed and applied for national invention patents has been applied in Rizhao, Huanghua, Yancheng, Nantong, Zhanjiang and other brother customs, a copper concentrate intelligent inspection robot system jointly developed by Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Institute of Technology are currently in the process of project approval. The import mineral product quick inspection and quick release integration module has completed the preliminary technical investigation to form a work plan.

In 2019, Huangdao Customs tracked 116 samples of 580,000 tons of mixed ore, and the standard deviation between the results of the shipper and the customs results was within 0.2%. The four major international ore giants generally recognize the authority and impartiality of Huangdao Customs inspection data. Both parties to the trade can transport iron ore to Qingdao Port for delivery with peace of mind and peace of mind. For many years, no trade disputes caused by disputes over test results have occurred at Huangdao Port.

Optimize services to promote local economy

Imported cotton, which is an important reserve material, has been boosted by the new supervision model of Huangdao Customs. Huangdao Port imported a total of 11.255 million tons of cotton in 2019 with a value of 14.954 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.14% and 16.48%.

In the Qingdao area of ​​the Shandong Free Trade Pilot Zone, Huangdao Customs implemented the "imported quarantine + warehousing inspection supervision + out-of-office approval" model for bonded imported cotton. The Customs completed quarantine when cotton entered the country, put the epidemic prevention and control at the front line of the port; carried out inspections and other tasks in special areas, and only handled write-offs when leaving the zone. The local area optimized the allocation of resources to achieve the purpose of managing risks and improving customs clearance efficiency.

Mr. Ren Debo, deputy general manager of Qingdao Hongchuan Logistics Co., Ltd., said: “The customs has optimized the supervision process of bonded cotton, which has greatly shortened the inspection time of imported cotton, and the average time of cotton in storage has been reduced by 20%. At the same time, bonded cotton has been imported. The second-line out-of-zone write-off work and electronic account book work have undergone pilot reforms, which have improved customs clearance efficiency, released reform dividends, and greatly enhanced the company ’s sense of gain. & rdquo;

Sinopec Qingdao Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd., which has been established in the New District for many years, has expanded its export products to 10 countries and regions including Singapore, the Philippines, Bangladesh and Kenya under the targeted services of Huangdao Customs.

Mu Haitao, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Planning Division of Sinopec Qingdao Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd., said: "Our company will export 111 batches of 2.94 million tons of refined oil products in 2019, successfully completing the export task for the whole year. The company's continuous high-quality development provides a strong guarantee, and also makes due contributions to serving the economic development of Shandong and Qingdao. & rdquo;

The achievement of these remarkable achievements is inseparable from the customized service measures of Huangdao Customs. In 2019, Huangdao Customs sent a special person to guide Sinopec Qingdao Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd.'s laboratory to pass the CNAS certification and implement the "5 + 2" working system and 24-hour service, changing the paper-based signature authorization release to the internal platform Send authorization information, innovative use of mass flow meter instead of traditional shore tank weight, saving enterprises 25 million yuan in tank construction costs.

On November 11, 2019, the first batch of 97,000 tons of bonded low-sulfur fuel oil for ships in Qingdao Customs entered the Qingdao Hongxing Logistics Public Bonded Warehouse under the supervision of Huangdao Customs, marking the formal entry of enterprises in the Qingdao Customs area into the low-sulfur fuel oil market.

In response to the International Maritime Organization ’s requirement that member states ’international sailing ships must fill marine fuels with sulfur content below 0.5% from January 2020, and to ensure the supply of low-sulfur marine fuels at Shandong Port, Huangdao Customs has adopted a number of measures. Measures to speed up the examination and approval of the regulatory sites of major low-sulphur ship fueling business enterprises in Qingdao Port, complete the whole process of approval procedures in the shortest time, focus on supporting the development of low-sulphur fuel oil businesses of leading enterprises, and help Qingdao Port to seize the low-sulfur ship fuel market and build North China Ship Fuel Supply Base.

Strengthen supervision and make the country more effective.

& ldquo; Data statistics are completed, certificates issued throughout the year help companies successfully claim US $ 33.609 million! & rdquo;

With the statistical results of the data returned by the enterprises from Huangdao Customs released, Huangdao Customs detected a total of 2454 batches of short weight and 2880 batches of unqualified quality throughout the year, assisted by issuing weight and quality certificates of imported cotton, crude oil, ore and other products. The company successfully filed an external claim and submitted a high-scoring answer sheet to combat trade fraud and maintain national economic security.

For a long time, Huangdao Customs has thoroughly implemented the requirements of the General Administration of Customs “Blue Sky 2019” and “Port Balance Operation” requirements, work hard to dedicate, strengthen the actual supervision, and make the check of the country more effective.

On June 20, 2019, Huangdao Customs carried out sampling work on a ship that imported 50,000 tons of pellets. When the ship was unloaded until the remaining 8,000 tons of cargo was found, the remaining cargo was found to contain plastic woven bags, wooden blocks, water bottles, iron cloth heads, etc. After sorting domestic garbage, 123 bags of various types of garbage were detected in a total of 1,083 kg. Subsequent sorted garbage has been returned with the original ship under customs supervision.

In view of the difficulty in disposing of garbage and debris detected by imported mineral products, Huangdao Customs adopted the methods of unloading, picking, and disinfection. Sampling inspection and quarantine were performed at the same time. The garbage and debris detected were collected and returned with the original ship. Exiting the country not only effectively avoids the problems of customs inspections affecting port efficiency and increasing the cost of domestic enterprises, but also ensures that no piece of garbage pollutes the domestic environment. In 2019, Huangdao Customs intercepted a total of 19 batches of imported mineral products with garbage debris, and detected a total of 3.8 tons of garbage debris. More than a dozen media outlets nationwide followed up and reported that "Huangdao Customs detected domestic waste in imported ore and successfully returned it", and achieved good social response.

The short-weight phenomenon of imported cotton is more common, and it is even "trade practice". Driven by interests, some overseas suppliers have dishonest behaviors. Shippers often deliberately underfill some cotton, short loading, falsification, undercharging, and undercharging.

By adding monitoring equipment, Huangdao Customs has promoted the visualization of the entire process of weighing and sampling imported cotton, promoted the posting of QR codes on cotton piles in warehouses, strengthened the credit management of overseas suppliers of imported cotton, and increased customs weight and quality certificates for foreign supply Business credibility and deterrence. In 2019, Huangdao Customs completed a total of 2544 batches of imported cotton inspections, and found that 1938 batches of cotton were short-weighted, accounting for about 76% of the total cotton batches. It assisted cotton importing companies to claim USD 22.79 million in external claims, which effectively hit the trade. Fraud.

In 2019, the inspection and supervision of Huangdao Customs' bulk products was highly praised by the enterprises. More than 10 pennants and thank-you letters were sent from all walks of life. The supervision and services of the customs have been unanimously recognized by port operators and law enforcement objects.

Xiao Feng Mu Yu spared no pain, guarding Tantu to compose new songs.

In the face of achievements, Huangdao Customs has not stopped, is not slacking off, and is working with Qingdao Port to open up the future and create a better tomorrow with a brand-new image, an exhilarating style, and a high morale.

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