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Debut in the overseas market, “F”series stands out in Asia

April 24, 2017

- SDLG celebrates its 45 anniversary with the successful launch of its commemorative-edition “F”series machines

On April 21, 2017, SDLG successfully held its 45 anniversary with the launch of its commemorative-edition“F”series machines in Southeast Asia. To celebrate this occasion, the company release its special edition “F” series, echoing with its anniversary theme, “Devote To Initial Belief, Cooperate To Create Brilliant Future”. In this way, the company lead its customers to review the ups and downs SDLG has experienced in the past 45 years; over the years, sticking to the brand development concept, “reliability in action”, the company provides their overseas customers with the finest products and services, sincerely reciprocate their customers in Southeast Asia for their trust and support, keep in mind a firm belief to embrace the future with their customers!

Look back the history and look into the future
At the anniversary ceremony, SDLG led the guests to have a deep understanding of its brand development process in the past 45years through the video. Started in a small city, SDLG developed from a little-known company to a world-famous Chinese construction machinery brand, becoming the first priority of customers; working unswervingly in the past 45 years, SDLG adhere to its initial belief, keep its brand philosophy of “reliability in action” in mind, strive for the objective of “building SDLG an international company, making SDLG a trustworthy brand”!

Complete sets of equipmentmake the debut
To celebrate the occasion, the company released its commemorative-edition “F”series machines, rolling out a range of special edition equipment that includes the L953F、L956F、E6460F、G9190 and other “F” series products and offering complete sets of construction solutions to Southeast Asian customers; it is evident that SDLGalways makes customer demand at the center of the market orientation andits development strategy to make the product line serialized, clustered and differentiated.

Anniversary event to reward customers
In order to express its gratitude, the company held a special event to reward the customers. Anyone who purchases the commemorative products will enjoy the special generous treatment. In this way, the company wish to the reward the new and old customers who continuously trust and support them.

New service with boundless care
To create a new service brand, the company comprehensively started a series of activities around the theme “boundless care”. It hopes to express its gratitude and pass it to each customer, allowing them to rest assured when using product and service.
Adhering to the initial belief and cooperating to create the future, the launch ceremony of SDLG 45th anniversary commemorative-edition “F” series of products has achieved success; the whole product group are well-prepared to explore the Southeast Asian market with its unique brand competitiveness.

In the future, SDLG will be determined to bear its motto, dedicated in its product and service, continually returning its customers withthe maximum value; the company will forge ahead, stride forward and open the next brilliant journey!

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