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Innovating Business Mode by Seizing "One Belt and One Road" Opportunities

February 24, 2017


After long-term preparation, the "Handover Ceremony for the First Order on Cross-Border Equipment Leasing" of "Shantui Pakistani Supplier Platform Project”created by Shantui, the agent in Pakistan, Chinese construction unit and service provider in Pakistan was successfully held in Pakistan on February 20.


Zhu Zhi, the General Manager of Shantui Import & Export Co., Ltd. attended and said that Shantui' s launch of Pakistani supplier platform project under the background of in-depth promotion of China's "One Belt and One Road" strategy and construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a great attempt made by Shantui to actively explore overseas business mode. Innovation in cooperation mode will expand sales channels, expand cooperation scope, deepen cooperation and realize win-win. Overseas development of Chinese construction machinery manufacturers and engineering construction companies will greatly enhance the competitiveness and influence of Chinese brand in overseas market. Resource complementation and win-win will be realized through cooperation.


Shantui Pakistani Supplier Platform Project is a strong attempt made by Shantui through business mode innovation with the support of several domestic and overseas partners to respond to the national "One Belt and One Road" strategy. It adopts the business form of "cross-border financial lease" and "overseas operating lease", integrates resource advantages of various sides such as construction machinery manufacturers, end users, overseas agents and service providers, and conducts risk prevention and control by such means as credit insurance, to realize win-win. At the next step, Shantui will continue to improve this innovation mode in Pakistan, strengthen financing, expand cooperation scope, and promote such a mature mode to other markets.

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