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2014 CQL Global Sales and Distribution Meeting

March 17, 2014

From Feb. 24 to Feb. 28, 2014 CQL Global Sales and Distribution Meeting was held in Qingzhou.Kebao Yang, CQL Chairman and General Manager, and 18 field reps from CQL Global sales and distribution team globally together with the CQL core leadership team and the multi-function teams joined the meeting.

The 5 days meeting started with Kebao’s speech, he expressed his wish and hope to all the reps and asked everybody to take the opportunity speak out all support and assistance they need from the home base teams to achieve the 2014 goals. The first day meeting was territory managers’ presentations to present what has been accomplished and challenged in the past 2013 in their territories and what's their plan/goal for 2014 and what support are needed from the home-home team.


The 2nd day meeting, hosted by Andy Zuckerman, CQL Global Sales and Distribution Manager, started with Kebao’s speech. Kebao said 2013 was a challenging year for CQL with multi significant changes. The company changed his legal name, developed the new brand strategy, and formed the core leadership. For the product development, CQL introduced new SEM branded Track Type Tractor, Motor Grader and LNG Wheel Loader to realize the dual brand production in CQL. Kebao Also reinforces the focus in 2014 on the 8 big imperative projects and the company’s commitment to speed up the dealer development to achieve the 50% of participation rate in the international market. In addition, CQL function teams including Marketing, Product Support, R&D, Marketing Strategy, Key Account delivered the details of projects ongoing, policies and processes respectively which are aimed at supporting the market. A welcome dinner was held in the end of the day


The following 3rd day, other function teams provided detailed training sessions to let the field reps to well know the policies and processes. Also Field reps gave their comments and feedback from their experience in the field in order to allow functions teams to refine the policies and processes to better adapt to the market.

On the 4th days, the Global Sales and Distribution team had their meeting and some of the field reps went visit the Weifang Hongli dealer to see and learn how China domestic dealers operate the business and shared the best practices, also a factory tour and test drive session was held at the last day. By seeing the investment and the dramatic change of the facility, help the field reps build confidence to battle in the frontline.

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