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Luoyang Lutong: LTB1204 Tractor | On the field of hope, draw the passion and dream of the Olympic Games together!

August 08, 2024

LTB1204 farm machinery

Draw the Olympic Dream Together

Write the Olympic chapter together!

Building the Olympic Dream Together

Make farm work easier,Lutong Builds Olympic Dream Together!Co-plot speed、Power and passion!

The Olympic flame lights up the world.,Conquer all challenges with superior technology,Strive for new glory with an indomitable spirit。

LTBThe 1204 Tractor is equipped with a high-performance fourth engine.,For example, all-diesel four-cylinder high-pressure common rail engine,The power reaches 88.3kW,Engine speed is 2400r/min。This configuration ensures the power requirements of the Tractor in a variety of field operations.,Whether it's plowing、Flat or subsoiling?,Can be completed efficiently.。Power take-off speed can be adjusted according to operation requirements,Uch as 540/760r/min,In order to meet the matching requirements of different agricultural machinery and tools.,Efficient, coherent, smooth and free。

Advanced fuel system,For example, oil supply on demand、No overflow loss、Design without power waste,So that that average fuel consumption unde the comprehensive working condition is low,Compared with the same level of agricultural machinery, it can save a lot of fuel.。

This advantage can save a lot of fuel costs for users in long-term use.,And that economic benefit is improve,Move forward without hindrance、The peak of efficiency,Go ahead,Keep efficient transmission under any working condition!

LTB1204 per shot,Stable and efficient at one go。The machine is equipped with shuttle shift.(12 front and 12 rear gears),The speed matching is reasonable,The operation is convenient and comfortable。Double acting 11 inch clutch and high strength P/M clutch disc,The transmission capacity is high,Easy to maintain,The effect is reliable。

At the same time,The full hydraulic steering system makes the driver's operation comfortable and labor-saving.。Combination instrument capable of displaying fault in Chinese character,It is convenient for users to monitor the Vehicle status at any time.,Find and eliminate faults in time,Reduce human operation error,And that operation efficiency is improve。

Olympic Games process arrangements

Capable of centimeter-level high-precision operation,Reploughing can be reduced、The phenomenon of missing tillage,Help the development of precision agriculture。Front and rear reinforced inverted plate structure and reinforced gearbox rear axles,O that the Tractor has better stability and bearing capacity when operating in the farmland.。At the same time,The wheelbase of the whole machine reaches 2070mm,Bring better Vehicle stability,High efficiency of farming operation、Amazing speed,Smooth all the way。

Its cab is spacious.、Wide field of vision,Dust can be effectively prevented from entering,Provide a comfortable driving environment for the driver。In addition to field operations,But also can be use as a transportation tool.,Easily pull all kinds of farm implements and farm machinery,Uch as a SeederHarvester, etc,Realize multi-purpose of one machine,And that operation efficiency is improve。Good off-road performance,It can adapt to the complex terrain of mountainous and hilly areas.,The turning radius is small,Adapt to small field operation。

Fuel efficient even in harsh operating environments、Easy and coherent,Flexible farming!

Lu TongLTB1204 Tractors and Olympic athletes write the Olympic chapter together,Bring more miracles and glories to the world!



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