August 01, 2024
Since the implementation of corporate operation in 2022,Yuchai Core Blue always insists on providing customers with the best overall solution of new energy power system as a starting point.,After two years of product layout adjustment,New energy products have been put on the market and won customer recognition.,Successfully achieve the goal of doubling business performance every year。Especially in the first half of 2024,The company's range extender、Hybrid、Pure electric drive and other products have gradually been successfully matched and put into the market on the main selling models of mainstream Vehicle factories.,The major plates have made breakthroughs in matching and the number of orders.。1- June ,Sales volume of Yuchaixinlan New Energy Power increased by 22% year-on-year%,Sales revenue increased by 149%。
In order to support the rapid development of the company,In March 2024, Yuchai Core Blue started the construction of a new production base.,It lasted four months.,To achieve formal production。Investment in new workshop construction exceeds 60 million yuan,The production line adopts international advanced production equipment and intelligent management system.,The production process is highly automated and digitized.,Production efficiency and product quality have been greatly improved.。The completion of the new production base,The annual production capacity of Yuchai Core Blue has reached 50000 sets.,This will not only support Yuchaixinlan to achieve its business objectives for the whole year of 2024.,It also laid a solid foundation for achieving the sales target of 800 million yuan in 2025.。
At the launch ceremony,Huang Yixin、Du Wenhong、Chen Xiaofeng、Li Hanyang、Wu Qiwei and other leaders and special guests jointly cut the ribbon for the production of the new workshop.,Declare that this important milestone has been officially achieved.。
During the new product launch,Yuchai Xinlan delivered the first batch of high-speed flat-line electric drive bridges to Zhu Feng, purchasing director of Kaiwo Group.,It marks that the new product of Yuchai Core Blue has officially entered the market.,Open a new chapter。
Li Hanyang said in his speech.,Yuchai began to develop new energy products in 2004.,So far, it has invested more than 1 billion yuan.,More than 300 core patents have been formed.,The commissioning of the new production base is an important transformation of Yuchai's new energy power from product development to market launch.。The new energy power plate is the strategic plate of Yuchai.,It is also an important growth pole in the future.,Yuchai Group will fully support Yuchai Core Blue to become stronger and bigger.,It is hoped that Yuchai Core Blue will continue to deepen technological innovation.,Optimize the production process,Improve product quality,To provide new energy products with excellent quality for global customers,Help customers succeed。
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